Please don’t get a soundbar if you have neighbours, the bass travels everywhere. Literally gives me heart palpitations and makes me feel sick.
You can program the Sky remote to work with your TV ....Just need to add the code to it: look at the full list here to find your TV brand & model:
Can only go by my experience of having 3 flatscreens over past 10 years or so. Sound has improved dramatically.
We have a sound bar, but I still have subtitles on for some stuff on telly. For some reason there are many films and programmes that I just can't hear properly.
Not really its worth it just for electrical guarantee. U can turn up get a day pass to look around tho too
Oh good, they’ve decided to start watching tv earlier today. It normally goes on at 1pm without fail for the rest of the day but I’ve been treated to it from 11am today. It’s not that it’s loud per se, just that I can feel and hear the bass all pissing day. Completely ruins any chance for me to sit and read quietly and if I try and watch tv (which I hate) myself then their bass is just there underneath it, wrecking anything I’ve got on anyway.
The very best deals will be posted here: If you can afford to push the boat out, get an OLED. 50” version will set you back about a grand, but they have the best picture quality. Don’t be fooled by QLED, it’s not the same thing. Hisense will get you most bang for your buck. LG and Samsung both solid options. Avoid Toshiba, JVC and most Panasonics - they are all cheap and nasty these days.
I wouldn’t include Panasonic in that last list of poor sets. All the big players, even Sony, use budget panels in their cheaper sets. The mid-range & above Panny’s are excellent. Another plug for Hisense - they were one of the main sponsors out at the World Cup last year. Every screen in every stadium, press & broadcast centre was Hisense and I never saw a dud. All looked superb. They even had some enormous jumbo-screen 8K thing running in the IBC and that was genuinely breathtaking.
if you're in any way serious about your tech, i wouldn't touch the likes of argos, costco etc with a bargepole. try richer sounds. they're friendly, know their stuff, won't rip you off, very competitively priced....and it's a co-operative
I've got a Toshiba in main room and Samsung in bedroom and the Toshiba has had five x more use and samsung screen flickers now and again.
@orsenkaht I also have a 32" ten year old Toshiba. Been in use constantly during that time and never had any issues bar changing the socket. I do think Toshiba were exemplary tvs back then (no idea about now) and the sound quality is still good. Anything above that size feels like a small cinema! Although if I want a bigger screen I just sit closer to the tv lol. How is your Toshiba doing? Never used a sound bar, never felt the need to but I suppose it depends on the size of your room/desired range etc.
Toshiba, JVC and low-end Panasonics are all made by Vestel. Cheap TVs with someone else’s badge on the front.
What budget u spending ? Costco sent me email today with a sharp one 299.00 and Panasonic in offer 699.00 but theres loads choice online in the shop.
50" Panasonic is a cracking picture though, I also have a 50" Hisense which is good but not quite the same quality.
A couple of things to bear in mind: 1. 4k is literally pointless unless you're watching a massive telly from close range 2. The materials etc of hdmi cables are also literally irrelevant. Buy the cheapest ones possible and immediately walk out of any place that tries to upsell you to gold plated, noiseless ones etc with your tv purchase as they are trying to scam you