Doesn’t or shouldn’t matter what the extreme left think, If people think this **** shower of a govt either deserve their support or avoid calling them out because of party loyalty, then they need to have a word with themselves. BTW in today’s politics Extreme left could’ve easily been seen as moderate centralists not too long ago. Basically if somethings wrong call it out instead of hiding behind a their calling me names as well
I don’t think that’s what my post referred to at all. What you’ve said there an overwhelming majority would agree with.
It’s not just the extreme left. Whether it’s social media driven or whatever; it’s extremely unhelpful. The right think it’s a fun tactic to troll the ‘libtards’, the left somehow believe that calling working class Tories ‘stupid’ or ‘racist’ can be part of a sensible debate. and that’s without examining problems within the left, where traditional working class values are clashing with identity politics. The Monty Python joke earlier? Funny because it’s true! It’s a simple fact that the left will fracture over the exact definition of LGBTQ, whereas a perfectly reasonable religious right winger will vote for Trump knowing he’s a serial adulterer, fraudster etc.
You’re absolutely right on this. I didn’t mean to suggest it was just one way traffic as there is an assumption from the right that everyone on the left is an unwashed commie, which is about as helpful as VAR. But I will say that in my experience, in terms of my social media feed, the ‘slander’ and generalisation of one side vs. the other does tend to come more from the hard left Labour voters. Either way though it isn’t helpful at all.
Exactly this. Some of the posters in this thread are clearly ‘centre’ in their views. That’s fine. And therefore I get why they think Starmer is an answer. He couldn’t be any more on the fence if he tried.
Anyone who didn’t chose the option of voting for a candidate that could defeat the tories is responsible for what happens in the next 5 years. The moderate middle got Brown 29% when they ignored everyone else. Racists and xenophobes elected Johnson. Many in the middle waved that through. I hope but doubt they will have buyers remorse but everything that unfolds is on them. Every homeless person every bent contract every brexit **** up it is their choice so their responsibility
i door knocked for the Greens in Barnsley at the last election. Between 75% and 90% of those we talked to that said they would vote tory said they would do so because of overt or covert racism.
Pretty small sample size though don’t you think? I know roughly 30 Tory voters from memory. None of which I would call even remotely racist. Five of them I would say are positively aligned to the Tories and the rest could flip either way.
no I knocked on hundreds of doors as did colleagues. The answer given to pretty much all who were supporting Johnsonwas either overt or covert racism. In fairness you don’t think Trump is a racist so I’m not trusting your barometer on this one.
Ignoring your incorrect claim to point score, your barometer is saying that based on 75% of hundreds of doors you’re making a blanket claim that 14 million people in the UK are racist. I’ll stick with my own barometer on this one.
Only 20% or so of the voters in Barnsley Central voted Tory. 30% voted for the Brexit party, and every leftie on here has them ALL down as racists. So you can add a hell of a lot more to your 14 million. Unless it's a load of tosh of course.
Yes, bizarrely Dan Jarvis has Farage to thank for splitting the Tory/Brexit vote and allowing him to win. Without brexit he wins anyway, of course.
Yep. Don't mind Dan Jarvis at all. Except that I had a speculative punt on him for the Labour leadership a while back. Which ended badly.
You clearly have strong and honourable views when it comes to politics. How do you personally feel about working in and promoting an industry that creates the most obscene concentration of wealth of most, if not all, industries in this country? An industry that is typically owned and funded by globalists, billionaire capitalists and big media corporations, as well as those with questionable human rights associations? I just find the narrative around politics on here overwhelming at times, yet we are all open to scrutiny.