It didnt come back because it never went away. The point of 'lockdowns' was to limit the spread of the virus and protect the NHS, not to put an end to it.
How are pubs in Tarn comparing with those prior to lockdown for their drinks. Are they higher, as I suspect. if so, are they extortionately higher? As much as I’ve missed not going to the pub, there’s no way I’ll pay rip off prices, they can fek right off with that
I had a few hours yesterday. Couple of pints but worked it aswell taking orders and delivering drinks. Saw people I haven't seen for over a year Id usually see 3-4 times a week. Owt from teens to folk in their 80s. Everything from signing in, masks inside for toilet visits, table service, sanitizing, distancing, no music, no standing, social bubbles etc was adhered to. But the main thing I witnessed was like meeting up with an old friend you haven't seen for 20 years and you accidentally bump in to them and instantly it's like that 20 years was in fact 20 seconds and the banter etc is instantly there. It was lovely to see.
Lockdown one was pointless. No vaccine was estimated for 10-18 months. A lot of deaths were always going to happen. It was just inevitable I'm afraid. Delaying the inevitable did more harm than good.
My local has gone up 10p per pint and nothing on spirits etc. It's a free house but the increase is only because the brewery have increased the cost of a barrell. The increase doesn't actually fully offset the barrell price increase. No idea about town centre pubs but I'd think it might be a similar scenario.
Well we are under 100 per 100k now in Barnsley so it is finally taking a nosedive. I went out for a couple of pints at the local micropub. All good, gold standard in social distancing.
That sounds reasonable, an increase you’d probably expect without COVID. Let’s hope it’s similar in Tarn
Unfortunately, as I've said before, the fckd Blancmange has only 2 strategies - lockdown and now Vaccines. It seems that you are more susceptible to the South African variant if you've had the vaccine then if you are unvaccinated according to data coming from Israel, so without a proper track, trace, isolate structure in place which makes sure people isolate and can afford to isolate, then its likely this variant will spread and we'll be back to his plan A - lockdowns.
Yes but with the level of vaccinated people, even if they do get the say the south african variant the main thing is that we don't see serious illness or deaths increasing rapidly. If we have a surge in people testing positive but minor symptoms, there is zero justification for a lockdown.
Corner Pin ordered to close by BMBC, apparently ventilation not up to required standard, according to FB