As others have said - a part of life when I was at Uni. I once sold a swimsuit to Madge Bishop when I worked in a Birmingham fitness club. Became a big fan of Dr Karl and even went to watch his band play in Sheffield. He actually owes me £1 (long story) and somewhere I have a scribbled note that says so! He doesn’t look that well currently though and i hope it is nothing more than alopecia.Legend is Fletch. Sad to see it go, but it did look very much like old style Crossroads in terms of sets etc.
I think it's more than the loss of a show, it was one of our most prominent links with Australia. Who hasn't turned it on in winter and thought they'd like to move down under? Even just for that daily representation of the laid-back, friendly way of Australian life it had a big impact. I think we've always had a big fondness for Aussies in this country, Richie Benaud, Shane Warne, big, warm personalities. I think that translated well compared to some of the more miserable soaps we produce.
It reminds me of uni too. Had a little black and white portable and remember having a thing for plain Jane Super Brain, Mrs Mangle’s granddaughter I think. They had Bouncer the dog. Very sad to see it go.
Big show for a lot of firsts for Australian television such as David and Aaron getting married and Mckenzie being trans. That character played brilliantly by Georgie Stone she was the youngest person to ever get hormone blockers in Australia as she was ten. Her show romance with Hendrik was a super storyline. Young love and resulting in a death. Bit Romeo and Juliet.
Dr Karl came in the shop I worked in Sheffield in what was the early 2000's and asked for directions to the nearest Internet cafe! He seemed like a really nice chap.
Used to watch it when it was on first thing in the morning after a night shift , never the same after Max was written out
Everyone apart from the Kennedy's had put their houses up for sale, some kind of knock on effect from Paul Robinson selling his. Susan was given a book by Harold which was Ramsay street memories. As the last remaining resident she was asked to be custodian of the book and to write an entry in it. Mike and plain Jane were on the street reminiscing about old times with a few flashbacks to things that happened in the houses. Toadie got married so everyone gathered round for the wedding and a party afterwards. While they were all at the wedding Scott and Charlene came back to find the street empty and Charlene wanted to break in through a window (a nod to an early scene). After the wedding they went back to the kennedys where Susan's and Karl played video clips of old neighbours wanting to wish Toadie all the best. In reality it was a way to get old faces to say goodbye. Everyone went back out onto the street for the party and Susan realised what she wanted to write in the book which we heard her reading out in a voice over as she slowly walked through the street, she mentioned old neighbours who are no longer here and people like Madge appeared in ghost form sat next to Harold at the party. Susans speech ended with her saying she's home. During the party Paul revealed he had changed his mind and was staying which caused a quick chain reaction of basically everyone else deciding to stay on the street too. Then a wedding balloon filed with helium and glitter went into the sky and exploded showering the street and cast in a glittery confetti as the credits rolled it appeared on the screen "thank you for loving us. We love you"
We used to have a Susan Kennedy Appreciation Society at school. That woman is to "blame" for my lifelong obsession with older women! Unfortunately, I'm now at an age where the only older women are in the death pages of the Chronicle...
Just looked her up on wiki as I couldn't place her accent as it seems bit Aussie but with a twang - born in Northern Ireland.
I get the piss taken out of me but I've watched it for 30 odd years. I've visited Ramsay Street and met Kym Valentine. There have been some gorgeous lookers on the show over the years which is probably why I started watching it. Anne, Amy, Dee, Donna, Annalise, Libby, Flick, Tess, I could go on all day.
I just wish it was the last episode of Emmerdale....oh and Easttenders ...Oh and Coronation Street.all tripe