To be fair I don't drive over here as its small enough not to.[/QUOTE] You can't get anywhere anyway. Too many cars, too little road.
That's where that little ferry from Valetta goes isn't it? Sat out there with a beer a few times. My missus loves it so much we went there for our honeymoon and stayed at the Xara Palace in Mdina. The best hotel I've ever stayed in anywhere. Pricey but you get what you pay for.
Not 'alf! We did have a day site seeing round Valetta, which lovely. All historic and brilliant day. We also did the ferry to Gozo, and had a lovely walk around there as well. Nearly got lost and missed the last ferry back to the mainland though!
This thread is exactly why many voted for it. Because holier than thou remainers told them they were thick. I do feel sorry for them. They were sold a dud. Doesn't make them thick/racist/idiots - just a bit sad.
Yes they've got the right idea. I want a shop in Rabat. I’ve studied what goes on. 7am - Go to caf with other shop owners and eat them custard pastries. 8am – Open up roller blinds on cave-like shop selling paint and screws and stuff 9am- back to café 10am – Kip in shop 11.30am – Go to market square taking your song bird in a small cage. Hang it on a nail outside pub. Sit outside with other shop owners talking ballax. 2pm. Take bird in cage back to shop 3pm. Shut shop 4pm. Back to pub. Watch football. More beer. More ballax. Tough life but I could do it.
Seems daft that you'd rather mess up your life, your childrens lives and the country because you'd rather not admit to "the holier than thou" brigade having a valid argument.
Y see it doesn’t really make sense that. I mean there’s a valid point that it possibly entrenches previously held views. And I personally really disapprove of lefties describing any opposition as being thick, it’s about the most unhelpful thing about modern politics. But it makes no sense that someone voted Leave in 2016 because the remainers said they were thick in 2018. However, on the specific point of Brits now having to leave Spain: They’ve been living in an EU country knowingly bending the rules to breaking point. Further knowing they had a whole 4 years to put their affairs in order, and having chosen not to do that, believe they’re not in some way to blame for their own predicament. Sorry but whether they voted Leave or Remain, or didn’t vote, hard not to say they’re thick.
Even if we accept for a moment that all (or even a majority) of remain voters called leave voters "thick" can anyone explain the difference between that and calling remain voters "holier than thou"?
Why not? The EU didn't invent immigration, it is entirely possible to move to and live in a different country, as long as you do it in line with that country's rules. That sounds very much aligned with Brexit. Spain are denying it.
To be fair to some of the ex pats in Spain they were told/promised there would be an agreement whereby they would be allowed to stay on virtually the same basis as they had been staying . I’ve met a lot of people over the years in Spain who live there , most retired but a quite a few there to dodge tax . I know some have gone to Dubai
They were told specifically that the law wouldn’t change for people who had moved there and naturalised. Anyone who spent 4 years not doing something they could have done in a week deserves no sympathy. They’re wealthy individuals, living abroad, choosing not to fill in some papers in order to save on their tax bills, who ran out of time to put their house in order (4 years). They’ve been having their cake and more, knowingly, and are upset now they have to play by the rules.
Nothing like a sweeping generalisations. The Costas in Spain admittedly became a magnet for a certain type of tourist and expat who were seeking living abroad with a safety net i.e. 'Blackpool with Sun' . There are far more expats who chose inland areas away from tourist hotspots. In those touristy places Spain adapts to meet the demands of tourists mainly British and the enclaves of Brits with their Irish Bars, Bingo, Pubs and Full English breakfasts etc . Italy and Italians are uncompromising, fiercely proud of their culture and in preserving their cultural identity. Without exception, we , and all the expats of all nations, that we have met came to Italy for that very reason. The common thread is "we came because we like Italy the way it is" for all its faults. There are, undoubtedly places like Rimini that have remnants of the 60s and 70s boom years but it is relatively low key compared to the Ibizas and various resorts in Spain catering for the clubbers. People here prefer the low key very 'Italian' resorts dotted along the Adriatic Coast.
But what about the Gangsters, Pedophiles, Thieves and other scum bags living in Spain trying to dodge the law in the UK what about sympathy for these characters
We were all promised a lot of things - as I remember it the leave campaign were more than happy to promise anything to anyone! No more immigration, more immigration from the Indian subcontinent, nothing changing, EFTA, £350m a week and free movement retained are, off the top of my head, just a few of the various promises. Like I say, all the information and discussion was out there - if they voted based on one of those promises and are now unhappy that it was broken then it's a useful learning experience.