Absolutely abhorrent and thankfully doesn't reflect how the majority of Reds fans feel towards Mr Lee. Hopeful that the offender is identified and banned from Oakwell for life.
Be good to somehow let the club and the racists know the majority of fans are behind their endeavours to weed out and punish the morons as well . Maybe make them think twice in future and who knows maybe educate them to be better people .
Unfortunately, to the outside world, these things reflect on the whole town, whether we like it or not.
Funny story... I used to be on Twitter until I was banned.... I was having a discussion with someone about wearing a helmet whilst riding a bicycle. I said they would save people from serious injury, as they had done me, if for example you banged your head on a metal barrier or lamp post. This guy was saying there was no need and they were putting people off cycling. So I asked him a hypothetical question, "If I were to hit you over the head with a metal bar, would you rather have a helmet on or not?" 24 hours later I was banned (first and last offence) with no recourse to appeal for 'violent & threatening behaviour'. I tried to question it 3 times but alas the presumably automated reply was having none of it. Was very frustrating at the time, but now I'm glad they did. Waste of time.
But these are in every town village and city so as far as I’m concerned it’s a National thing and if one area is being blamed by the rest then nothing will change it just passes the buck to the next place one of these morons emerges .
I had a rather heated exchange with someone on Twitter. It was a bloke in London and after he used threatening words towards me, I cancelled my membership on Twitter. I had a change of mind some weeks later, but if I try to re-register I get a message saying my membership has been cancelled.
Sadly WOTS you can't educate people like that. Racism is probably engrained in them. Can you believe it's even surfaced over the type of vaccine people have against Covid. Wife's friend is a nurse and she says the number of people refusing the Pfizer jab because it's " foreign", has been amazing.
Racism isn't something that has to be educated out of people it has to be educated in to them in the first place.
If his profile header photo has been taken by him it should be quite easy to locate where he is sat in the west stand.
Every single one of his replies is insulting someone and calling them pr*cks and c*nts. https://twitter.com/brendbfc/with_replies
Seems a pathetic sad person imo who’s got nothing going for him in his life hence the envy and anger .
His Tweet is still there and has been for over 18 hours. Yet Twitter claim they are clamping down on this sort of stuff. I can't believe that people are so thick that they post stuff like that.
Just read all that. What an odious, ill educated excuse for a human being. Get him out of the ground for good.
Wow. What an absolute moron. Hope that Bairns not his. It will be taught some reight values, Not. Proper bell end. Wouldn’t be hard to trace I’d have thought.
If its been educated into them then it stands to reason it can be educated out of them. Some it wil be deeply ingrained but thankfully that's the minority.