So when she gets Covid and ends up in an ICU bed and then a child gets knocked down and needs an ICU bed but their isn't one available because an 83 year old decided she wasn't going to stick to the rules that's alright then is it. You have to look at the bigger picture we had AE at BGDH tweeting last night pleading with people not to go in. It's alright cheering this lady on saying nobodies keeping her in but you have consider what the consequences of her actions will be. She might be worried about people losing their jobs and future generations having to pay for this but going out catching Covid using up finite resources won't help the situation will it.
Shall we list out our qualifications and then see who we think is the most intelligent? See if that validates our views?
Err...... that is why I quoted Gove... He WAS talking nonsensecand I don't really need a patronising lecture from you regarding averages as I understand mean, median, mode. What Donny said (and I don't see why you need to rush to his defence) WAS half half below the 'average 'and half above hence my reference to Gove. I was therefore not being pedantic as is still not clear what he is trying to say ( other than to deflect from the accusation of calling someone unintelligent "(not very bright"(sic)) for having the temerity to disagree with his view of the World. Have a good one!
it's another form of snobbery isn't it, some posters hate the tories and the rich for not giving a stuff about the working class but simultaneously look down their noses at the opinions of their working class peers whom they don't consider to be as intelligent as they are. If you're deemed not as bright your opinion doesn't count.
Whilst I am on your side in this particular instance-see my responses to Donny and subsequently (Jamdrop) - I am not sure the 'you show me your and I'll show you mine' approach re qualifications is the way to go. Besides life has taught me that whilst in certain careers and occupations received learning , knowledge and subsequent proof in the form of 'qualifications 'is vital, there are plenty of people have encountered who, whilst they have letters after their name, and possess lots of diplomas, they appear to lack any semblance of common sense and in some cases logic and so are incapable of applying practical solutions to everyday problems that arise. Some degrees and qualifications , admittedly not all, can be achieved through good memory skills and rote learning. Degrees used to be based in teaching individual thinking, reasoning and fact based rote learning ended at A levels. Pioneering surgeons, innovators need the skills but also the ability to think out of the box. IMHO , someone with good hand eye co-ordination, and an ability to keep calm with photographic memory for medical terms , surgical procedures, and treatments could probably become a consultant or surgeon without necessarliy having logic as part of their arsenal of skills. Like I say. Just my opinion. Similarly, If you could teach a chimpanzee to carry out a complex repetitive task does it make it intelligent (with or without a diploma).
Except that's not what he said, is it? And just so we can be clear, I'll quote exactly what he said: "And there we go, woman expresses opinion v the mainstream, and we're off digging into her character to invalidate it. She's only a thick Northerner after all." He's not talking about a difference of opinion, it wasn't aimed at people who disagreed with her, it was aimed at those assassinating her character in order to discredit her. Doing so won't get you arrested, I mean, you've had a go, both at Extremely Northern "you’re not particularly bright for not understanding" and the woman interviewed "I straightaway saw it as ‘you’ve got to look after the economy’, sod the poor old folks that’ll die" which is not what she said at all, misrepresenting her in order to undermine her. But I've never before seen anyone campaign for free speech so that we can abuse people in order to invalidate their opinion.
Love the last sentence. It is the default mode and standard practise on here for a small cabal. Target the poster with personal abuse rather than address the points they raised, often done to try and close down the argument.
Perhaps if we didnt live in such a fear driven society where the slightest cough is now getting seen as the deadly Covid then perhaps A&E wouldnt be getting rammed...
Or indeed, 1st of October. I test positive. Isolate until the 15th. Taken into hospital on 20th and die then on 1st November. Now we can only speculate on which of those is most likely to happen.
I'd have thought the hospital would do a test so that they know what they're trying to treat rather than relying on you saying I had covid a few weeks ago, it's probably that.
What Donny said was ‘roughly half are below’ never mentioned above. Do you disagree that 49.9% is ‘roughly half’?
For someone who "doesn't defend the government" you post an awful lot of things which just happen to implicitly defend the government. Also what do you think is the primary driver of the divisions in society over the short and medium term history? Clue - it's not not the actions of the Tory governments.
I would say that depends on your age range and underlying health problems. For some demographics Covid-19 is a bigger killer than suicide. For others suicide is a much more common cause of death.
Covid deaths are anyone who has died within 28 days of a postive test. Regardless of cause/comorbities. So unless Donny Red has a second positive test on his trip to the Hospital his demise on the 1st would be recorded more accruately.
I’d thought it was obvious from my post that I was being treated for Covid, I wouldn’t expect the hospital to have to test me again. They’re not treating the cause, they’re treating the symptoms. If I’d been run over by a train they wouldn’t need to know whether it was a sprinter or an express.
We were told that the way a ventilator needs to be used is different if you are a covid patient than if you had a different form of pneumonia. I'd hope they know which it is. And hospitals ARE doing tests. That's a fact.
Let’s say for arguments sake (as I don’t know the answer to this), if someone tests positive on 1st Oct, is admitted to hospital on 15th Oct and tests positive again and then dies on 20th November, does it get recorded as a Covid death? I presume it would but it doesn’t fall within the 28 day rule. Does is HAVE to fall within that rule or is that just in addition?