But if I have a bag of sugar and go out coughing on people, they don't catch obesity. I really don't think you can compare sugar or alcohol or anything where a person has choice to consume something to Covid. You can make the flu or STD comparison sure, but not something that is down to personal choice. If she'd have said "I'm 83, I don't care what I'm doing to my body. If I want to eat a giant bag of Maltesers" then there's no issue.
Have you ever, in your life had someone come upto you and deliberatly cough in your face for a prolonged period of time or for that matter spit?
Of course not you absolute weapon, but Covid is obviously pretty contagious or there wouldn't be 45k dead. It's more contagious than catching Sugar-19 off someone. Once an Illiterate Delroy did it to me, but I gave him some fried chicken.
It's not about that mate, it really isn't. It's about perspective, about numbers. Just look at the people dying from cancer and heart disease every day, and then have a think about it. Please think about it.
Of course I think about it, I was just saying you can't compare Covid to eating a bit too much sugar. That's all.