At times like this you have to help those around you. To do that you have to stay strong. If necessary I'll take all the steps needed. If that means having a **** 5 times a day & washing my hands thoroughly, I'm prepared. Rule Brittania!
One of the greatest pleasures in life. Often the only alternative to the box of paracetamol/razor blades in the bathroom cabinet. And it beats them to a factor of 100. Which is why most of us are still here. I lose the will to live on a daily basis, but having a wn*k gets you through. Truest statement I've ever made, for millions of us. Life saver.
It seems to be working so far. I've suggested to the government that they set up a network of treatment stations, using hand car wash facilities that are currently closed. This would be a drive through service so that the staff there don't have to get "hands-on" with the patients. Oh, wait a minute...…...
brilliant idea - an extension (oops) to each Macdonalds Drive-Thro could be the ideal place for this service (oops again) 'Can I take your order ?' -- 'Yes, the usual with Fries please' -- 'Proceed to he next widow...….'