He definitely did sell all our gold reserves at rock bottom prices and snaffled money from final salary pensions. Not sure what good he did.
What use is gold to anyone? Article in the financial times after the sale saying it's pointless hanging onto it. He did sell the gold at lower prices but how many national industries were sold at rock bottom prices during privatisations .... https://www.ft.com/content/5788dbac-7680-11e0-b05b-00144feabdc0
Always thought John Smith would have been a great prime minister, taken too early before he had chance .
He, along with the Labour Party courted big business and encouraged some reckless lending, but the sub prime mortgage situation in the US was the cause of the banking collapse there and world wide.
Always amusing how quickly right wingers turn into ardent anti-capitalists when the chance to bash a the New Labour govt appears. That's the same economic policies that the Tories have backed for years.
I always thought Gordon browns face looked really malleable and if you honked his nose, his eyes would spin round. Also, can’t think of his name without inwardly singing “texture like sun” to missen
Same thing going on in the US. GOP slamming Medicare proposals for being impossible to fund, then trump handing out a reported $1.5 TRILLION to Wall Street. Pisses me right off.
I suppose if people feel so strongly about the Corona virus and think boris has got it all wrong they could always self isolate and keep there kids off school or whatever just seems like political point scoring.