Just keep on educating them, you know a bit like GCSE English/Maths - if the fail their exam they retake them and retake them if they fail again, and retake them again. If people persist in this abhorrent behaviour then until they mend their ways and see the error of their ways, then no civilised society should allow them their freedom until such a time they are decent people.
I am of the opinion that you have misconstrued my simple message Education, Education, Education. All day long and then some. By Education I simply meant that all people who are falling foul of doing wrong actions that they be corrected, whatever they are.. This can be used for vast number of scenarios for most if not all nations whether this be racism, discrimination, war mongering or whatever ills lay before the human race, and there are a multitude of ills. Of course it's wrong for kids in NI to be indoctrinated by elders (re-educate the elders) War is wrong, utterly wrong - lets re-educate the people that promote it wherever they are - it isn't the foot soldiers that need re-educating, they wouldn't need it in the first place with no war. Finally our education system in the UK is corrupt - money buys you a different education (not necessarily a better one) that allows the elite privately educated ones to control the wealth and power of our nation. Do people realise this? It's my assertion they don't , after all why would they Tories have such a majority? Why don't people realise that they only had a minority share of the votes? How do we change this? By educating the masses that's how , but to change this when the elite have control....
As I said in another thread I found gesture at bit weird and random and had no idea why he would do it. I’ve seen a few comments about him being racist. If he was referring to the bombing of Coventry in the war and it was a weak attempt at banter. then does making the hitler salute to remind them of that event make him Racist? he has probably been a bit stupid or Naive in not realising lots of folk would be offended
Hope they did and can be part of moving things forward. For some it is silliness, wanting to shock and probably not thinking about how it can affect someone. It's just banter, I get ripped apart for being lanky and I don't mind sort of thing. What they don't understand is the tedious nature of it and the undercurrent of threat.
I dont agree - most racists are that because of fear of someone different. QUite likely educated to this by some aspects of the media or their peers who portray different races as a threat - eg refugees etc If you only use a stick it reinforces their belief - punishing someone for being a racist will not change their belief - it may mean they hide this but wont fundamentally change them - same goes for misogynists. Not saying there should be no penalty but there has to be an education as part of it as well. And I don't mean classroom lectures - its only by experiencing that people with different skin colours or backgrounds are just people and not some monsters that the racist mindset can be changed. Ive seen it myself where when people with some racist views are forced to get to know someone with a different background / skin colour then realise that they are no different and start to change their views. It doesnt always work but it certainly does sometimes
Better open a lot of jails then in that case. Fine em and hit em in their pockets. not the taxpayers.
A can imagine it becoming like a glorified swear box unless the financial penalties were severe enough.
No one is born racist. If you can learn to be a racist, then you can learn how to not be a racist. Of course if you fail to learn, that’s another issue.
If anyone can walk into the "shower building" where thousands of thousands of jews were gassed and come out thinking its fine to be a racist or anti semite, the world would be better off without them.
You dont need to be educated to not make a bloody Nazi Salute. To describe it as "banter" is pathetic. Ban him for life.
I think you misconstrued my use of the terms 're-educate- and 'taught' both of which were used ironically and in inverted commas. I agree with you but the indoctrination starts from a very early age in most cases..pre school in the homes and peer groups of children exposed to the same bigotry and attitudes in their environment. Once ingrained it becomes very difficult to overcome those early prejudices . Nothing wrong with trying but overcoming a lifetime of prejudice and attitudes in the "elders" is far easier said than done. I don't think for one minute you imply re-education camps like China and N. Korea but once ingrained in someone some pretty intense work is required to change attitude when after Couple of session week people spend the rest of their time in the environment where they are surrounded by others with similar attitudes which created the problem in the first place. Social engineering, which you imply is the solution, is a very risky path to take.
I admire your philanthropy on this C but the arrogance and know it all nature of pond life such as this would be a real challenge. Remember, you can’t educate pork.
But these sub-humans genuinely believe that the Holocaust was fake news and never happened. They don’t offer any evidence just indoctrinated BS to justify their hatred.
Some people dont get touched by whats gone on,he's probably done it showing off,if he lvs bfc i think he'll be regretting now if he doesn't he'll be sneaking in only has to wear a mask.
I'll take it as a compliment,i must post very maturely, 5o later this year, anybody that said life begins at 40 wa tellin porkies.