Just the general starting a million threads all saying the same thing over and over and over and over and over and...
For me you can have sensible debate with Nudger.There are some on here who should have been banned a long ago and in my opinion Nudger isn't one of them.
That's not the question I'm seeing. What I see is Are siteadmin being unfair to Young Nudger? I'd vote that his posts should be monitored but at the moment I'd probably end up voting for the opposite due to the ambiguity. I've never seen a site so dominated by adults masquerading as autistic children. It's hardly just YN. It's one after another.
Can any one answer me this Question:- Can a poster criticise G.G., Hecky or any one that is anything to do with Barnsley Football Club on BBS. Because what I see here Nudge as been criticising certain people of Barnsley Football Club and it looks like it's got him in trouble, just wondering like.
The actual question is just to the right of the question mark at the top left, but it's in a font which is almost unreadable. If you select it with a mouse, or tap and hold on it, it will become visible.
Even when it was pointed out earlier that there was a different question text there it still took me some time to find it - in the end I did a search for the text and that highlighted it. I think @Gally has misunderstood the concept of a secret ballot.
I am abstaining from the vote, mainly because I don't feel that I've been a member long enough to form a considered opinion. However, this thread has thrown up some questions, which I hope someone "in the know" will answer. 1. What is the role of the site admin folk? 2. What powers do they have? 3. What are the "do's and don'ts" that members should be adhering to? 4. How does the foul language blocker work? Gally was kind enough to send me a welcome e-mail when I signed up, asking me to introduce myself to the rest of the board. I wonder if in future it might also be worthwhile including a brief paragraph about the rules, admin role, etc. as part of the welcome pack (I'll apologise now if all that stuff is readily available somewhere,TBH I haven't looked for it). Personally my only gripe with BBS content is that some members treat the main forum as a chatroom, particularly on matchday, so that we end up with countless number of mind-numbing threads like "Wednesday losing" and "One nil down now" and "Just had a shot" (ok, I'm exaggerating but you get the drift). On Friday night there were FOUR threads about the Bolton/Bristol game...a game where we weren't even playing! All of which means that some of the more interesting threads about life, death, and football get shoved off the front page and into obscurity. Any road, enough waffle, I'll leave you to get on with voting.
That's how I found it too! Now that I know it's there I can JUST see it on my phone, but on my laptop it's completely invisible at a normal viewing angle. However, if you intentionally look at your screen from an unusual angle, it miraculously appears. I may use that font for all my future posts, then nobody will be able to read them.
Cant see the poll. In fact tapatalk doesnt seem to display them..... Is it in this thread or is it me not finding them?
Yeah doesnt work in Tapatalk. No idea why. If you click view in browser on this thread you will see it.
At the end of the day Gally it's your site - if somebody's making your life difficult then you take action you see fit. Some folk seem to think it's a publically funded service. I just think Nudger craves attention, but he's not on his own there.
Agree 100% with all of that. He, and plenty of others (both current and in the past) treat/have treated this board like their own personal soap box. There is nothing wrong with spouting your opinions - some will agree, some will heckle - but if the speaker just keeps beating you over the head with the same old drivel, time after time, then you walk away. He, and posters like him, has/have driven away plenty of good men and women from here in the years that I've been contributing to it. It used to be a place for irreverent humour, non-PC commentary and generally interesting debating. There is still room for all of that but it's getting harder to find it. I keep thinking I should put him on ignore, and then add a few others to that list. It would certainly cut down the time I waste on here
Is there any way that I can disable all emails permanently? I keep doing it in the settings option but then 24 hours later I get them through again.
A group could be added which young nudge, Dr Z, Reeves, cloud, donkey, hemsy etc can only post in, the rest who are not banned, been banned or under admin watch can either read or post in that group or just stick to the normal bulletin board. That way everyone is happy no one is banned and no one has to read repetitive club bashing ***** if they don't want to. I think you'll find though that most on here though will post in the newly formed group. Worth a try.
Opinions and debate about yer club is what it's all about . I dun't post a lot as quite often it's already been said but I do when I feel strongly enuff. I can ignore threads if I wish and do think sometimes some are more suited to Facebook than on here. However there should be some site rules so we are all treated fairly.