Gally that is not the inpresion that comes across to me, so I take it then you can criticise. For me criticism and I mean football wise is a given right when you pay x £'s to watch a team you support and you think some thing is wrong, be it on sites like this or not as fustration gets the better.
I'd say no to censorship unless the posts are considered offensive. T'otherwise it's just debate, regardless of repetition, people can choose not to read or block individually..
I must have missed the thread that prompted this. But, and I've never met him, Young Nudger is my favourite poster. Assuming much of what he posts is tongue in cheek, then he is sheer comedy gold, one of few whose posts can actually make me belly laugh. I don't recall him ever posting maliciously or getting personal, in fact he has been known to jump to the defence of victims of the 'all pile on' attacks. There are several posters who like to lite the blue touch paper and stand back with posts such as (following a loss) 'There'll be fireworks in West Yorkshire tonight'...praying for a response from Hemsworth Tyke so the board can liven up with a tirade of insults. As for repetitive posts, hells bells, from September to January, how many posts included words to the effect of 'We need three strikers, two wingers...' As I say, I am not aware of the reason why the OP question even had to be asked, but Young Nudger's contributions to this board, like him or loathe, certainly prevent it from ever being a dull place.