My phone is full of apps I wouldn’t want anywhere near my work phone, even if I had the choice. Likewise my pc.
Yeah but some of those without symptoms have symptoms lasting a lifetime. must do to make up the magic 500k figure
Figures for long Covid are approx 50-60k. Trust me not a nice thing, my asthma improved when we had good weather I'm now feeling it again. Due to having it I now can't conduct deep rummage searches of large cargo ships using breathing apparatus. So I'll be moving away from maritime duties shortly back to inland duties. Works occupational health have seen many folk like me, many younger and with more severe symptoms / ailments.
Life over isn't it. May aswell do a worldwide cult suicide. Thousands of years of human history and we have as a species fought off countless viruses. Covid has us beat. Game over
Hancock with no real plan other than putting all his eggs in the vaccine basket. Talk over a certificate of vaccine id (C.O.V.I.D) where to travel abroad you need to have taken the rushed vaccine that may work at 50% success rate at best and I wouldn't put past being needed to do things even in the UK such as go to a stadium or arena or theme park etc. The future is well and truly messed up.
No! Don't trust Cummings' mates with the data and it's not "The NHS app". If they'd wanted me to trust them they'd have sacked Cummings after his jaunt.
Another decrease on the seven day average. Something that Boris and his lackeys won't mention later today.
Apparently the vaccine is ready logistics are holding it back. It's nearly October and it's going to be rolled out later this year to NHS workers and people in at risk groups. I expect an announcement soon bearing in mind it's three months until the end of the year.
You can suppress the virus or protect the economy. I think all evidence so far suggests you can't do both.
Because of the uproar his previous tweet provoked, he made a point in this one to say the vaccine would be voluntary. But if your freedoms are removed such as travel if you do not take it, it doesn't sound very voluntary to me.