Are you sure about that ST? The gas chamber that was used in the 1980's used potassium cyanide pellets dropped in sulphuric acid, which produces hydrogen cyanide gas. It was abolished due to being anything but pain free. Prison officials refused to participate in any more executions using gas, so horrendous was the spectacle.
For their crime they should have been executed. I do not believe in keeping people on death row for years. If they are convicted, and once the appeal heard, and then turned down, they should be strung up. Why the hell we keep child mrderers like Huntley alive, I do not know.
i think the answer you are looking for is, the drug companies who used to supply the drugs for death by lethal injection have recently started to refuse to supply the drugs on moral grounds.
Given the numbers on Death Row in America it ought to be pretty obvious that the Death Penalty is largely ineffective at preventing horrific crimes.
Killing people in any form just can't be right in this day and age and obviously the death penalty isn't a deterrent . The only reason I would maybe agree with it would be if the offender firstly admitted their crime and then chose the death penalty instead of life behind bars .