Who rattled your cage? Sensible debate and discussion going on here and a muppet- yes YOU- has to come on with personal insults and spoil it. It is you who have issues mate, not me.
Calais is a different beast to all other European ports. It's a political hotbed and headcase, if it's not migrant issues, juxtaposed disagreements then its workers disputes. Brexit just pours another gallon of petrol on the fire. It may sort itself out at other ports not holding my breath on Calais.
There are some growth areas in Ashford for catering vans, portable toilets, drugs and prostitution... Wrong way around. The "excessive bureaucratic procedures" of the EU virtually eliminated this paperwork within the EU - or more specifically the Single Market/Customs Union - provided the rules were followed (e.g. SPS rules for animal products, ROO for manufactured goods, quality standards for manufactured goods, etc.). It has always existed outside of and any company exporting to the Middle East, Asia or USA would have always had to fill in this level of documentation for every shipment. My wife worked in this area in the 90s, and a shipment to the EU took next to no time to prepare, but further afield took the best part of a day including signatures from directors. paperwork in triplicate (individually typed with no errors) and visits to the Chamber of Commerce. And that is before you got to the issue of men in some Middle Eastern countries refusing to deal with women! The cost of this additional bureaucracy will make UK-based goods more expensive, increase the cost of imports, and the disruption to the JIT supply chains will likely move *at least some* manufacturing out of the UK into the EU - following a chunk of the financial services.
Not least because if any of the French farmers, customs officers, etc fancy an argument with the government, they could blockade Calais and cut the UK off to get the British government to intervene with the French.
I find it very amusing that even when all of this is pointed out, all the issues that Brexit is now causing, all the additional time, all the additional money, all the additional paperwork and the knock on effect that this will have on thousands of people's every day lives, it's STILL the fault of the E.U. Beaurocrats. Or it would be amusing if it wasn't so sad.
The fact that Russia interfered to influence the referendum towards Brexit is in itself pretty good evidence that it's going to be bad for us.
You're basically just saying ... 'I'll put up with any changes required'. Just not sure what you see as the benefits.
Guessing that there will be few changes for an expat now living in Italy to contend with so very easy to blithely say they will put up with..... erm... nothing changing for them. Free movement around the EU was my PTSD reducing lifestyle and I voted for it to continue, hypocrites enjoying the benefits of free movement but voting and advocating to deny it to others is pretty selfish..... but hey, look at all the benefits..... what a ******