There's absolutely no 'victim' mentality here. I was simply pointing out the facts of the situation. Jay called me 'primitive' so I called him 'borderline obese'. Tit for tat. We are both big boys even if you are clearly a bit of a snowflake. I don't care in the slightest what Jay (or on anyone else on here) thinks about me and if Jay doesn't agree with me that his life is a bit of a disappointment then I suspect anything I have said will be water off a duck's back to him too. As for your calls to ban me... I haven't posted on this board in several months and I'm perfectly happy to go back to not posting. I only came back because I was specifically called out by Mansfield Red. I haven't got any interest in petty squabbles with anyone on here but if someone decides they are going to have a go at me they can certainly expect that I will stand my ground and have a go back.
There's calling someone a dick or a moron etc, but I don't think I've ever seen someone pull someone apart so personally on here like that before. Utterly disgraceful and for someone who claims to not care it certainly doesn't look that way to me.
spot on TM If I remember correctly Jay was the guy who responded to a call for help on this site by GC about a year ago. GC needed help collecting some medicines from Tesco ?? and Jay responded. Hope admin respond and consider banning casual tyke.
I don't think so. And I don't think he should be. A ban should be a last resort where a member consistently causes issues. This, IMO, it's worthy of a warning and no more (not sure if the poster in question has previous for this kind of thing).