Swerve City & Goon Squad from Koi No Yokan Hexagram, Minerva and Battle Axe from their self titled album I'll add Sextape to Diamond Eyes Their cover song album from 2011 is excellent too.
W will check it out, ta. If I was to recommend jumping into the Replacements back cat, I’d say start with Let it Be & Tim. Just starting to grow up, though Tommy was only 16-17. Stuff before is great & what they did later. Different, but still the same band. Like Jon Bon Jovo said. “How can Rolling Stone name the Replacements as best band of the 80s, when I’ve never heard of em?” Recommendation, indeed.. sorry for mugging this thread, by the way, OP. If you’re links don’t work, Oakwell punks get restless.
Probably my favourite band ever, absolutely love them along with all PW's solo stuff. Chuffed I got to see them at the Roundhouse a few years back.
Loving the Deftones chat on here! Incredible band but I have lost touch a little after their last few albums, so going to go listen to some of those songs mentioned here! Thanks @RedVesp and @Deafening Silence
I was a blubbering mess at those Roundhouse shows. Paul falling on his arse in the first number was classic. Probably America’s greatest band, along with Stooges, Ramones, Blondie, NY Dolls, for me.. REM on a weekend too..
Thanks for sharing Wilky. I thought it was interesting you mentioned he has gone with a 3 at the back in the past and may do so with us due to a ‘glut of defenders’? I see your logic but is the quality there? Yes there’s a few of them but there’s only Mads and Helik good enough at the moment in my opinion. I think Kitching has a bit about him but needs to iron out a few creases. Wouldn’t mind him being the left of a 4 with a bit more protection, so hope he goes down that route personally.