I'd thought this, but would that make things 10x worse and actually lead to a world war? We all assume it would stop everything, but would it?
Its hard to say and it depends on who pulls the trigger. A Coup in Russia would be unlikely to immediately lead to WW3, but if it looks like a Western Government is behind it it wouldnt be good I dont think its likely anyway as said above he is too paranoid and well protected and has set up his minions to make it very difficult for them to band together
It’s got to come from within otherwise if a western backed plot happens it could drag events along with it and get out of hand . It will be hard as he’ll have surrounded himself with what he thinks are staunch allies with the same agendas . If one if his aides does to the job he’ll be caught and probably executed as the one who plunged the knife never benefits . My thinking is he’ll be made to do a U turn but made to look like he’s compromised and still in charge . This bloke had broke all the laws to stay in power including making himself PM when his presidency ran out but still had all the powers . Then got the presidency again against their constitution . There needs to be an off ramp and his aides need to make it look as though they are in charge . I think it’s the beginning of the end of Putin although it’ll take time to slip him out of sight and sound . It’s the present and immediate future that worries me and the plotters may not have time to plot .
Speculation is that the sub human scumbag might have cancer. Keeping people at a distance with the long table etc.....keeps him at a distance from any close human contact from which he might get an infection and make his condition worse. His thinking might be that if he only has xxx months to live he wants to leave a legacy and rewrite history such that he will be immortalised as the re-creator of the Russian empire. In other words he ouldnt give a flying fcku about the nuclear option.
According to CNN, over 7000 anti-war protesters have been arrested so far. It's easy for us to say (and btw, I agree with you), but actually doing it, poses a risk to them too. He'd have no problem killing innocents opposing him, regardless of whether they're his own citizens Deranged man.