Yes it's frightening....not sure you realise who for though. Before anyone judges I suggest they watch this report from a rescue ship in the's a hard watch but might give an insight to the real fear.
Brilliant. Hopefully many more since then. The mark of a civilised country is to reach out to those in need.
Be nice to see how our Government deal with any Afghan refugees.....I suspect any of them will be put in inhuman holding centres and eventually sent back because they are not in imminent danger. After all the Taliban have said so.
Maybe we should give OP the benefit of the doubt? I'm sure he means that it's frightening that we've only accepted such a miniscule number?
Not sure what the point is behind this thread, other than highlighting the usual media rags stirring up hatred and fear in the uneducated.
And let's remember this is the same chronicle that plastered it's covers with support for the Tories and Brexit. Agenda? Them? Never
I really do despair at where this country is going under this $hit shower of a government. The media, their lapdogs and the uneducated swallow it all up and follow like sheep. Whatever happened to compassion and understanding
I'm more frightening of people like the Barnsley fan Liam Hodgson who drugged and raped a child in the worst possible way last month than I am of a few people fleeing their country and being offered a lifeline by us.