Aviation after brexit

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by orsenkaht, Dec 1, 2017.

  1. Tek

    Tekkytyke Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2005
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    Barnsley Dark
    Err....where have you been for the last two or three years;) What do you think happened to the money from the last two or three Greek bail outs? They were given to prevent Greece defaulting and causing a crisis in the EZ and were basically to 'service' the previous bailouts since the creditors would not write off any debts, reschedule or take a 'haircut'. The problem has not gone away since Greece can never afford to repay the money advanced so the ECB keep kicking the can down the road. Nor has the Italian banking crisis gone away and it is reported on regularly on Italian TV (There was a report only this week showing angry customers outside branches of the 'Bank of Marche' with placards saying things like "You stole my savings".) The Monte dei Paschi bank, which is the oldest bank in the world and third biggest in Italy is currently being sued by a group of Bondholders over the cancellation of their investments and calling for the bonds to be reinstated as the EU and ECB refused to assist the bank.
    Of course, most of the pro EU Establishment, and media in the UK want the British public to think everything is rosy in the EU garden when in fact the crisis is looming ever larger. That said, there is nothing to gloat about since, even if we leave, any fallout will hit the UK hard.

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