Dishoom is my go-to breakfast place if I've taken an early flight into London. Ate there on the morning of the JPT final and playoff final so it's my lucky bacon roll place! Absolutely love it. Often make my own masala beans at home.
I think its the thought of coriander going on it. I'm typically a bacon sandwich purist, the only other thing i'd allow on a bacon sandwich... is a sausage!
Me too. With the dishoom rolls, it's all or nothing for me. You need the coriander, naan and masala beans. Coriander on a normal bacon roll would be ridiculous. In fact I've tried making the dishoom ones with Mexican tortillas at home, and while they was OK it didn't quite come off. However, made them on some left over roti from the previous night's curry and they were absolutely banging.
Theres certainly plenty of tubs with the kit and can only see the top one is coriander. Quite looking forward to making the naans. I did flatbreads from scratch for the first time a few weeks ago with masala eggs which was really good, so if these do ok, I might have to look at making our own naans. We've got take away fish and chips tonight, padella kit (italian restaurant at Borough Market) for tomorrow night and I think we've a beef sunday lunch kit coming, but can't recall where that ones from.
Easier said than done though. I'd built myself up that I was finally going to find out what was what today after 18 months of confusion. But I suppose 3 weeks in the scheme of things isn't much difference. Though the consultant was leaning in the direction I expected without confirming it for sure.
I'm 90% vegetarian, but once a week, some salmon, chicken or a bit of bacon is consumed. The dish the OP posted sounds terrific.
Good luck with the naans. I can make a few pretty awesome curries from scratch, perfect bhajis, but my attempts at making chapattis were a complete and unmitigated catastrophe. Loads of people had told me it would be easy. Filthy liars, the lot of them. They ended up more like disintegrating pancakes, and I felt like I was scrubbing garam flour off the worktop for a fortnight after. Hopefully you'll have a bit more success!
These are the dogs ********
I haven't had that but I have eaten in Dishoom in Shoreditch before and it was fantastic so I suspect you are in for a treat. Happy Anniversary
I use this recipe regularly for chapatis - super easy and works great every time: The trick is to blend wholemeal flour and plain (I actually use strong white bread flour instead), and to heat the pan on a high heat before adding the dough for approx 45 secs each side.
Nice one, thanks for that. My missus has a spectacular flour collection which I often take the piss out of, but it'll come in very handy here! I think that garam flour just gets too sticky to make anything resembling a pliable dough. I'll leave it for the bhajis and pakoras in future. Will let you know how it goes.
Well... I can officially say... Dishoom bacon naan rolls are obscenely good! And the good bit, we’ve a bit of naan dough left over. Made J Sheekey baked sliced crab for lunch, and just making a Paris brest at the minute (my piping bag skills need attention!)
Made J Sheekey baked sliced crab for lunch, and just making a Paris brest at the minute (my piping bag skills need attention!) dear god, what with mid morning baps and now Paris Brest...this place is just pure filth,
Are you saying you’ve never had a good satisfying nibble on a Paris Brest, filled with thick cream and slathered in chocolate? ;-)