I find it a bit pathetic that a grown man would not only hurl abuse but upon being called out on their unacceptable behaviour decide to double down on it. Rather than being embarrassed or ashamed and showing the smallest amount of remorse or contrition choosing to spit the dummy out. Oh well.
Nope, I decided beforehand that If they ban me for one match or one season, that's it I'm done. I am very impetuous at times.
Wow, sounds like your more bothered than I am, I found it astounding that I was in this situation whilst the amount of vitriolic vile abuse that is being hurled at stewards & players alike goes on without any action being taken. I used a bit of industrial language & I'm banned, astounded a tell thi.
Bit harsh , I am banned from games due to myself falling out of love with the game I loved. Not had a season ticket since 2019. Can't see anything changing on that. I pick the games now. It's ludicrous what is happening of late. I was at Leeds away few years back . Steward says if you don't sit down we're kicking you out. I said what about the 40 ,000 Leeds fans stood up. It's got beyond a joke. Went to Huddersfield away in the cup.last season. I asked if I could walk around the stand as my knees are knackered. Police officers 10 of em said no, up those steps. I mentioned on my return they would be better placed in the bogs where fans smoking and snorting coke. Fans are all tarred with the same brush unfortunately.
Is their anyone you talk to about this a close friend or family member who can give you another prospective on this with greatest of respect I'm not sure your going to find it on here.
It is mate, Barnsley FC can carry on without me just fine, Just find it very hard to take the punishment for something that I did is very mild compared to the **** that goes all around me, one slip & I'm banned, gutted.
Bad language can be abusive depending on context and tone. "F**k sake he missed another sitter" and "f**k you you piece of s**t I can't believe you missed another sitter you t**t" are quite different. Especially if accompanied by pointing and shouting.. Don't think it merits a ban for life, like.
Please, please don't think for one second I have come posting on here looking for sympathy or even understanding, I wanted to get across the injustice of it all, the fact that every game loads of fans get away with the things they do from hurling abuse to snorting up in the bogs & everything in-between, it's crazy .
Just cos some get away with it don't make it right or an injustice on you. You are putting across quite the defence. But... Not once have you quoted what you said and to whom you said it and how you said it. Start with that and this very BBS will tell you if it's justified or not
It was along the lines of what the fck was that & fkin hell reds a feww boos & fking w@nk, but that last bit wasn't aimed at anyone just saying as it was.
Ok fair enough. If that's what it was, I'd be inclined to say it's harsh. I think most of us will have come out with something similar over the years
It's this that needs explaining " I did approach a player but he also approached me I shook his hand and we had a few words no swearing just a few words but apparently if the ref had spotted that it would have got the club into a lot of trouble." Where were you? Did you go on the pitch? Why would the club be in a lot of trouble?
No I didn't go on the pitch, we were both stood at the wall near dug out, as for getting the club into trouble, I have no idea, it what I was told.