There can be zero data to support the early data on that chart is my main gripe.. Unless pre-historic man recorded temperatures.
But we aren't dealing with "the universe" are we? We're dealing with our atmosphere, which is pretty much a closed system. It's undeniable that we're pumping a hell of a lot of CO2 into it, and you can't say that it's having no effect "because the universe is massive". It's like trapping your missus' head under the bed covers, farting and then saying that it can't possibly stink because your house is massive and your fart is a tiny part of it.
I understand that they can model temperature changes based on the profile of oxygen isotopes found in sediment and fossils
The scale looks pretty consistent and uniform to me, each small division being precisely 100 years and each thicker black line being 500 years.
Haha yeah but the fart does escape, like the other greenhouse gases.. I just don't buy into those predictions.
I have a friend living in Savannnah, evacuation starts tomorrow spoke to him yesterday and they were going last night. Trying to beat the mass exodus