Yeah, and to be fair the **** show in Wales tells you everything you need to know about Labours view on it. The more lockdown the better.
Fastest rate of infection in the country according to news on radio this morning be interesting to see if it gets moved to tier 3 doubt it though.
Absolute joke. Rate is lower than National average now, are we trying to close hospitality for good? Cannot see what possible harm can come from moving into tier 2.
I think he's probably got that right Tyke. I think Wakefield will be in the same position. My wife has just called into the Dewsbury Road Branch of Morrisons. She was surprised to see how few were wearing masks, sanitising their hands and / or observing social distancing. Because the vaccine is now available, it does appear that some folks are dropping their guard prematurely.
If London doesn't go into Tier 3, I think we might start seeing northern cities taking unilateral decisions to open up hospitality again. Can you see Andy Burnham sitting on his hands? Expect Manchester in a self-appointed tier 2 if this happens.
London’s infection rate could be almost double Barnsley’s in a week or so the way things are going. No doubt there’ll be some cack explanation by Boris and his chronies though why they remain in tier 2 and us in 3. Tier system is a joke and as you say, mainly based on geography.
Big Crunch time next week, people already arguing that London shouldn’t go into tier 3 because days later they start the 5 day free-for-all. If places like south and West Yorkshire stay in tier 3 and London stays in tier 2 then it’s simply, once again, the north getting shafted by the tories, and I hope the useful idiots who voted for them can sleep at night.
If we stay in tier 3 I'll say now I'm completely disregarding those rules. I don't give a **** anymore.
I felt Dan Jarvis couldn’t wait to grab the cash and put us into tier 3, all against the backdrop of Andy Burnham fighting tooth and nail for the city of Manchester. Only a few days later did he think to start asking about an exit strategy / criteria.