Tier three over Christmas will kill far more in suicide at the widely recognised most lonely time of the year than it will save due to falsifying the data to keep pubs closed. Who's health has he put first?
The people who would otherwise die or be left with life changing conditions, if people like you got their way and opened everything up at the worst time of year.
Oh well I don't give a **** anymore. My mental health comes before Doris who can't be trusted to isolate herself.
You obviously can't be trusted to isolate yourself. Do you think that you're somehow different from the rest of us? Is your isolation (which let's face it - isn't isolation at all - you can go out quite freely) more precious and different to others? Are you suicidal because you can't prop up the local bar? As far as I'm aware you don't run a business (some of us do) which might stand or fall by who contracts with you. They're the victims. Not those who fret about a temporary loss of freedom for the common good.
What evidence do you have that suggests the hospitality industry has any meaningful influence on the number of people dying of covid? What evidence do you have that suggests it is higher than places like tk maxx?
No I'm not suicidal because I can't prop up a bar. But living alone, not being in anyone's bubble due to circumstances meaning close family have people they care for, working alone all day and seeing nobody at home, that tends to **** with your mental health a bit.
Hold on a bit. I'll just waste Friday night evidence gathering, in order to have a meaningless argument with you.
Mmm...well what are you going to do then when you break the rules and aren't bothered about supping down the Dog and Duck? Invade somebody else's bubble? A man needs a dog btw. Not much else.
You don't need to be a statistician to realise that opening up loads of places at Christmas, will lead to far too much mixing. There's the stupid 5 day relaxation to pay for.
A man needs a job and when the restrictions put the man's job at risk every single day then the man risks his home. The restrictions aren't just about stopping alcoholics from sipping like you seem to think. They stop socially distanced restaurants from trading too so you can't sit quietly eating with your mum in a safe and secure environment. It isn't just middle ages alco's leant on a bar.
Restaurants are the easiest locations to manage in the entire country. Every single person has an allocated seat. Tables can be removed and spread out. They know exactly how long you're there. And yet you can cram into the selection box aisle at Morrisons with nobody knowing you were ever there