Well if nobody in your family is bothered about the rules then I'm not sure what your problem is. I gave you my advice about a dog. Can do no more.
I can't think of a worse thing to do at the moment. I spend as little time as possible in public indoor settings as it is, so there's no enjoyment in doing that sort of thing for me. Whose air are you breathing, have they washed the glasses properly, has someone coughed on my food, how hygienic is it really behind closed doors, what if I want a pee or worse still a poo...there's big issues around the COVID safety of public toilets.
Of course you're right, if the chef is coughing on your food. They do t wash the pots and basically they have no hygiene it's probably not safe. But then we should shut all restaurants permanently because it will never be guaranteed safety.
What if Doris isn’t able to isolate herself? There’s loads of staff at my work who have various health conditions that put them at risk but who can’t work from home. Every child and member of staff they come into contact with puts them at risk. Every member of the public they are near on public transport puts them at risk. The less socialising the people around them do, the safer they are. I’m not debating lockdowns or tiers (as I can’t be arsed), just this point you keep making that implies that people are lazy or irresponsible if they are not isolating, rather than them having no choice. You work alone but most people don’t and whatever your colleague gets up to is pretty much the same as you getting up to it too. Bradford has been in tier 3 or equivalents for ages now but the people I interact with at work all agree to stay apart from others voluntarily anyway as we’re so close to staff and kids at work all the time we don’t want to put the vulnerable ones amongst us at more risk than they need to be.
Why don't those vulnerable people stay at home from their job and if necessary put pressure on the government to partially top up their wages rather than forcing fit and healthy people to stay at home and partially topping up theirs instead?
See the tweet linked to earlier in the thread. It is data that our leader is using to convince the public that pubs need to stay closed yet it is false data as it isn't for the area it is purported to be representing.
Don't know. Nobody tried. They were quick to partially Psy the wages of fit healthy people just because they didn't like the industry though.
Because having a plan of staying home and putting pressure on the government in the hope of some sympathy ends up in you getting the sack. They’re not forcing anyone to do anything, they’re not making the rules. It’s not an us against them. Will’s mam has just been sacked as she’s got COPD and emphysema and works in a care home. She got a shielding letter but extremely clinically vulnerable people are now expected to go into work if they can’t work from home, which she can’t. She didn’t go in, they couldn’t create a new role for her and now she has no job and in her early sixties doesn’t have much chance of getting a new one with her age and breathing difficulties. His dad had just retired but is now needing to look for a job again as his mam doesn’t get a pension until later thanks to the changes and they are bringing up two of his sisters’ kids.
Sacked or made redundant? Because that's a hell of a lawsuit. We've lost over half the workforce because government has ruled our industry must close despite no evidence to support their decision. That's wrong. It's just bloody wrong and can't be defended.
They can. If you go on the government website you can see cases for Doncaster and you can see cases for bassetlaw as two completely separate places and separate data sets yet a Barnsley mp is peddling bassetlaw data to allow the closure of Barnsley pubs. That's just wrong
Sacked I believe. There was a consultation period but they couldn’t reasonably find her a new role that she could do. I’m not defending anything but I’m also not blaming other victims. Put the blame where it lays, with the government, not the people at risk who don’t make the policies.
It isn't just Bassetlaw data. It says South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw at the bottom. Edit: And here's why https://www.england.nhs.uk/integratedcare/integrated-care-systems/south-yorkshire-and-bassetlaw/
But the people who support these restrictions and label anyone who opposes them as selfish ARE to blame. They are supporting the government's decisions and allowing it to happen. It sounds a lot like she was finished on I'll health or something rather than sacked. Sacked is disciplinary not consultation. Could be wrong though.
Which isn't the area we are in. There is no south Yorkshire and bassetlaw tier area. Bassetlaw is a much higher risk area and it's been added into the south Yorkshire figures. You can't defend that surely?
Barnsley 130 cases per 100k. Basildon 466 per 100k and rising. I bet the whole of Essex doesn't end up in tier 3.
There are loads of people who don’t support or oppose them and who haven’t called anyone selfish that are caught up in this though and it’s not because they can’t be bothered or ‘trusted’ to self isolate it’s because the government has let them down. I’m pretty certain it went through a disciplinary process. Understandably she’s not too happy though and Will doesn’t like to talk much on the phone with family at the best of times so I don’t know all ins and outs. The up shot is, she had a job and now doesn’t and has two grandkids to bring up still and no pension for years.
Using south Yorkshire and bassetlaw to artificially inflate the figures is no more acceptable than saying Cornwall might look safe but Cornwall and Chatham in Kent is really high when you combine them so best put Cornwall in tier 3. Nobody would accept that but we've got people on here rolling over and accepting it for us. Why? Because they support the restrictions and job losses.