Barnsley fan jailed

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by wakeyred, Nov 21, 2024.

  1. Jay

    Jay Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2005
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    No. You're wrong. Again. And weak.
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  2. man

    mansfield_red Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Sez the bloke posting nonsense about a cover up due to Starmer representing his parents, which is objectively false.

    You can't even see the irony in you ranting about misinformation whilst repeating the utter ***** you picked up from the Tommy Robinson fan page or wherever.
  3. troff

    troff Well-Known Member

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    I don’t know whether to credit you with a bit of innocent ignorance or castigate you for spreading misinformation yourself. The irony is not lost.

    The pictures that were posted by media outlets (of all political persuasions) were the only ones they could obtain when he was named. The mugshot released today has been posted universally today by all the same outlets once it became available. From GB News to the guardian and all in between.

    Not one of those media outlets tried to paint him as an innocent school boy to my eye? I’ll let you correct me. Though I won’t hold my breath.

    One thing is clear - he’s a dangerous murderer and will be sentenced accordingly - but he was failed as a child by the system. That is a fact.

    He was born in Wales. So you could say he’s Welsh. Brought up from the age of seven in Lancashire. So you might say he’s English. He’s only ever lived in the uk. He was brought up Christian and used to be a choir boy.

    The fact he had possession of an al qaeda manual does not make him a born and bred Islamic militant. He is not Muslim. His family are not Muslim. The spread of such lies led to the riots in Southport. You are continuing it now. His parents are Rwandan born Christians with a long held permanent right to remain and Axel himself is a born and bred British citizen.

    Keir Starmer DID NOT represent his father in a human rights case (or at all). This rumour was debunked and proven false months ago. Saying he did represent him is a bare arsed lie.

    Yet you perpetuate the lie here to further your (very thinly veiled) agenda.

    You clearly think you are very clever to accuse the frontline media outlets of ‘spreading misinformation’ as that’s what some people with a similar outlook to the one you portray have been convicted of - you obviously take exception to them having been convicted of it - but the truth is whilst I’m not suggesting tv and written media has never misinformed the public on this or any issue, it is you that is spouting absolute b.ollocks online. It is you that is guilty of ‘spreading misinformation’.

    As for calling you racist and far right - well you’ve written the same lies and come to the same conclusions that people who meet those descriptions have.

    It is posts like yours, widely shared and with the lies perpetuated, that led to violent thuggery in the name of ‘patriotism’. You are complicit in that by continuing to spread the same lies.
  4. SuperTyke

    SuperTyke Well-Known Member

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    That isn't true.

    A week before he killed those little girls his dad had to stop him going to his former school, presumably to commit murder but there is sod all evidence to suggest it was a terror attack.
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  5. SuperTyke

    SuperTyke Well-Known Member

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    "His case has never been treated as terror-related by police as he did not appear to follow an ideology, such as Islamism or racial hatred, and instead appeared to be motivated by an interest in extreme violence."

    Just a thought but that might be why they said it wasn't terrorist related. Because it isn't terrorist related. It's nothing but an absolute despicable human being committing horrible acts.
    anstonred likes this.
  6. troff

    troff Well-Known Member

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    You literally said he looks scary in his photo when he actually looks like a lost young lad with a dead expression behind the eyes and a bizarre haircut.

    There is nothing inherently scary about his image in that photo at all, if I saw it without knowing his crimes I’d not draw such a conclusion. You have. I offer no comment as to why I think you did so.

    I’ll also reference some other things I forgot in my reply to your first post today.

    You mentioned the Al Qaeda file he held and implied he must therefore be an Islamic terrorist.

    Well he had also researched and obtained IRA information - so I also conclude he’s Fenian separatist who owns a balaclava and planning to blow up a shopping centre.

    He also produced Ricin - so he’s also probably a member of the KGB and the Bulgarian secret service.

    The root cause of this is a very seriously twisted, British citizen with a warped view of violence and destruction. Failed as a child when even his family tried to get help, who had left warning sign after warning sign throughout his teen years. It is down to a systemic failure to have made preventative measures when he was a child.

    The root cause of this is not immigration. The root cause of this is not Islamic (or any other form of) terrorism.
  7. exiled

    exiled Well-Known Member

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    I've stopped responding in any length to the racist idiots on this board. We've now found another one. I could name half a dozen of them atleast, I won't, before one of them pops up and demands it.
    I don't understand why admin enmasse allow it to continue, guess the policy on here is to allow all opinions rather than be accused of being draconian and of not allowing free speech.
    This board often is not a good advertisement for the town and it's football club.
  8. Kiz

    Kiz Well-Known Member

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    This is the closest thing to social media I have, so I’ve not picked it up from a tommy Robinson fan page at all. Good try again. So many narratives. So many wrong.

    If I have said something wrong - the thing that seems to be is the point about starmer representing his dad then I will take that part back but the rest of the point stands.

    Again I’ve been called a racist with no racist comment from myself. It’s obvious that each time someone disagrees with someone on here they get insulted. Pathetic.
  9. Kiz

    Kiz Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2022
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    You've implied that I accused him to be of Islam religion. I questioned why a Christian would have a terrorist manual? The fact he had an IRA document too just backs up in my mind that this surely was a terrorist attack.

    In my opinion, I don’t think anyone in the right mind should possess any terrorist document, they’re made to be persuasive and coerce people into thinking they make sense and are correct. What would be the point in risking the persuasion or even entertaining those sadistic things?
  10. Jay

    Jay Well-Known Member

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    I wouldn't argue with this. However, my personal opinion is it's a mental health issue and if the country hadn't been destroyed by years of austerity his dad might have been able to call on some help and got him off the street before he hurt anyone. That used to happen. People were identified and treated before they did anything, rather than locked up after the atrocities. I know what I think is the best outcome there.
  11. troff

    troff Well-Known Member

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    He is deemed a Christian because he is one. Baptised into the Christian faith, brought up in an evangelical Christian home, a former choir boy in his youth.

    He is not a Muslim, has never claimed to be or any interest in the Islamic faith. Only a terrorist guidebook.

    This is probably a waste of time but if I can contribute to even one person stopping sharing racist bile it might lead to us not seeing more racially incited riots and violence on our doorstep. So I won’t stop.

    If you don’t want to be tarred as far right or racist, a good start would be stopping being racist. And far right.
  12. Kiz

    Kiz Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2022
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    not sure why this has quoted as yours, apologies, but think you can make sense where I joined in
  13. troff

    troff Well-Known Member

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    Your post questioned his religion. Your words.

    You are now backtracking.

    You said “Welsh Christian. A Christian? With an Al Qaeda manual?” It was you that associated the Al Qaeda doc with his religion.

    You later also questioned his Christianity again, as clearly seen above.

    Charges related to terrorism he faced were due to his possession of material. The attack was not at any point deemed terrorist.

    Mainly because it wasn’t.

    I am not condoning his actions or trying to make excuses.

    But he whilst he has a warped reality, a twisted view of violence and death, it is plain as day that he is seriously mentally ill. He displayed this for years and as a child. There should have been intervention years ago.

    The reason there was no intervention is the systemic and indiscriminate ruining of all public health services and outlets. By a government revered by the right wing nut jobs who spout lies like yours.

    Have your opinions. But don’t row back and pretend they are something they are not when you are called out on it.
    anstonred likes this.
  14. SuperTyke

    SuperTyke Well-Known Member

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    Why would a Christian have a terrorist manual? Because he was a nutjob.

    I've got about 100 books on serial killers, it doesn't mean I am one.

    Just a thought but maybe someone with absolutely sick desires who wants to kill people for fun and make a big show of it (as sadly, many murderers do) would read books about how to commit large scale attacks and where better to see how to do that than in various terror manual things.

    If for example I lose my mind and decide I want to kill a thousand football fans just for fun. And no I don't, and no I wouldn't. Then I have to confess I haven't got a clue how to make a bomb, how to evade authorities and how to actually carry out my attack but if I wanted to then I might start looking on the dark web for terrorist manuals because although "all" I'm actually wanting to do is commit mass murder the best way I can think of learning how to do that is to read an IRA manual or an al qaeda manual because they'll show me how to do it. It doesn't make me an IRA member or a Muslim, it just makes me a sick person who wants to harm people and is looking for tips in the most obvious places I can find.
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  15. troff

    troff Well-Known Member

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    No it isn’t ok that he had terrorist info and that was not the implication whatsoever. My use of ‘only’ was to signify his only link to Islam.

    One you were very clearly pushing in your first post and are now backtracking from.
  16. troff

    troff Well-Known Member

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    I agree there.

    He isn’t in his right mind. He’s clearly absolutely twisted. He could and should have been helped years ago before this unfolded.

    The fact his parents are Rwandan is irrelevant here. Those three little girls, their families, the ones who survived too - they suffered at his hand, he did it - but they have all been let down by the authorities here. Each and every one of them. They have been failed by our country.

    And not because we take in migrants. But because we’d rather allow rich folk to have tax breaks, and give multi billion pound contracts to cronies who aren’t qualified to do the work, than properly fund and staff our public services.
    anstonred, lk311 and orsenkaht like this.
  17. troff

    troff Well-Known Member

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    (Shakes head at the fact this post, which is of course a hundred percent correct, has been liked by the instigator of this whole conversation despite the fact it debunks pretty much every point he’s tried to make)
  18. Kiz

    Kiz Well-Known Member

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    Shake your head as you wish. This is a conversation and a debate. Their isn’t ‘sides’. He made a fair point. So I liked said fair point. I could’ve responded with the fact I don’t really like people reading about serial killers either, to me that is weird - something I tell my brother everyday as he’s fascinated with true crime. But that would have been against the point. If you think it debunked my points then fair enough too. But regardless of someone wanting to read upon material that would help them carry out an attack it would’ve definitely contributed to his thinking. Which is what I’ve said in numerous posts. You’ve made some fair points too, but also called me a racist in nearly every message when again nothing I have said is racist. I would’ve raised the same questions if it was someone if a different race - something I did on Saturday evening when someone in a group chat sent a link in of the white bloke who was sent down for attempting a murder on an asylum seeker, and trying to compare it to a black person who only got 10 years for raping a woman and her dying throughout that horrible ordeal. In said scenario I argued the point the white guy was a terrorist, a member of the satanic network 764 and that was worthy of 22 years in jail when he was getting young girls to try and harm themselves and commit suicide. Would I have challenged such thing if I was racist? No. Like I’ve said, I’m not racist and if I was I would’ve jumped on the comparison saying it wasn’t fair etc. You and others have seen one post and made a decision which is wrong. Side note - before you say I am part of a racist group chat, it literally has both a German and a Pakistani in the chat. Again, if I was racist I wouldn’t want to be any part of that. Oh, and my father (not one at all really, no I don’t want your sympathy I just want to express he’s a *****) is Mediterranean. I’m not some white supremacist I’m being made out to be. You’ve read a post, you don’t know me.

    And this will be my last post on the subject as tomorrow is a new day and I won’t have it ruined by people falsely accusing me of something that is not true. I posted an opinion piece, with questions, which were there to be answered by anyone who felt free. I’ve liked posts that would be ‘against me’ which shows I was here for a discussion, most other people that were here came to insult.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2025
  19. SuperTyke

    SuperTyke Well-Known Member

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    Just to clarify, and I know it's not the point here, my interest in serial killers is mainly that I find the police/FBI investigation interesting. How did they catch them? What were the thoughts of those investigating them? What little detail did the killer miss that led to their arrest? I don't take any joy in reading the gory details of the deaths and for that reason I didn't get more than about 10 minutes into the Dahmer TV series the other year because it seemed to be glorifying it a bit too much for me and trying to make entertainment out of what happened. I'm more interested in why it happened and how they put a stop to it.

    Take the Idaho murders a couple of years ago. Guy got into a student house and killed 4 people. Nobody had any idea who the murderer was then boom, out of the blue the police arrest someone and it turns out they've known who it was for weeks (possibly months) and were quietly watching and waiting and gathering their evidence before pouncing unexpected. I find that fascinating, not the guy who did it.

    Like I said, I know it's not the point of the thread. Although I guess it kind of is a bit relevant because again it shows that having that material in my house doesn't necessarily mean that my thoughts are what you'd assume.
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  20. BarnsleyReds

    BarnsleyReds Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Christians can also be terrorists.

    You’re just brainwashed to associate terrorism with muslims.

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