What you on about better fan, I dislike the owners as much as anyone , but why does wanting to watch the reds require a better a fan badge, pathetic response
I saw it as him spinning it in advance of it happening DWLc i.e. the reason it's happened is because of relegation, not because of the way the club is being run. I think his biggest mistake (other than his appalling communications) is that he failed to grasp early enough (or perhaps he wasn't told, or didn't listen) the fundamental issues. He may therefore have sleepwalked into it and is only now realising how serious this might be and so is deflecting responsibility.
Not my thing that Gally haven`t listened to that in Donkey`s years. Yull just hev to purrup wi it am afraid.
Suggesting people who care about the club they have loved and supported for years are turning their back on the team was pathetic response. Nobody is saying you shouldn't go and support the team, they are just saying why they are no longer willing to financially back the current ownership.
I get wound up that when you want to support the team ,you are branded a happy clapper or a best fan badge holder etc , I am a west stand season ticket holder who despises the owners but if we all turn our back on the lads there will be no club , I was here before the owners & I will be here long after they have gone ,but I do not understand why you receive critique for wanting do something I have done for 60 years & support my team .
Remember the west stand debacle and how fans stood with you against the owners? No? I thought you must have forgotten that when you attacked your fellow supporters so regularly
Personally, I have no issues with fans who have either renewed, or intend to renew, their season tickets. It is not the path I have chosen, but I still respect them and their reasoning. It'd be nice if that could be reciprocated.
All the people on here saying they aren't renewing are saying they respect the decision of the fans who continue to attend.
I think you'll find it was you that started it with the cheap shot at fans staying away. Don't dish it out if you can't take it. Do you think the likes of the Oystons at Blackpool were ousted by their fans continuing to bankroll the club? By pretending that nothing is wrong and giving them your money, you are basically keeping the current regime in place. Only by people staying away will bring about change. I don't have a problem at all with anyone that wants to continue going, but please don't take cheap shots at fans choosing to withdraw due to Conway and his pals.
The owners will move on and someone else will takeover, if too many fans move on we wont have a club. If the owners go how many of the no's comeback?, Its pretty easy now to get a live stream of the games via a VPN. I enjoy watching the match at home on my big tele with a beer who wants to go to all the trouble of getting to the game, sitting in the cold, sat in the carpark waiting to get out. Too much effort to go to oakwell when you can pay $13 to watch it from the comfort of your recliner. Conway out is a great excuse, ill give my money to a dodgy streaming company rather than put it in to my town and club, You can get 4 cans of beer for the same price as a pint at the match. I know Im off again.
You have not read my posts, selective reading I think, I despise the owners but I watch the team & disagreeing with the mob is not attacking supporters , it is saying what I think , or am I not allowed to do that because it is not your opinion ?
Firstly , where do you get the impression that I think nothing is wrong ? I have regularly criticised the owners but you choose to ignore that . I do not want the regime a day longer than anyone else & if fans choose to stay away then thats fine but when we have low crowds & revenue these charlatans will not foot the bill , we will more than likely end up in admin & threatening our very existence , when I buy my season ticket it will not be because I want to line the owners pockets it will be to pay to watch my team & hopefully fund their wages & the wages of the other hard working staff at the club & whilst you are on about cheap shots , why should anyone who wants to get behind the team be called a Happy Clapper or a better fan ? I find those terms offensive .
Why is it ok for you to say what you initially said then, yet me calling you a better fan is offensive? Why do you think I called you that in the first place?
Possibly because I am not a sheep & not following the party line ? I do not know but I have never ever proclaimed to be a better fan than anyone & never would do
They ought indeed to understand at least the renewing supporters decision, because unless there's some other strategy from those who are jumping ship of which I'm not yet aware, then there'll be nothing left to watch in due course. The renewing supporters keep the boat afloat. Just so everybody who does or doesn't go has something to moan about. It's remarkable how so many non-footballing principles from disgruntled supporters appear as a season ticket deal breaker during a relegation season. Last season? Hardly a squeak. Who were slagging the owners off when we were in the playoffs? With respect, does anyone think we'd have this exchange if we were in the same league position as last season? I can't see that the owners have been any worse this season - they don't invest in the team like other probably rule breaking clubs do, they use a shallow algorithm to select players, they thus are inevitably lightweights fighting middle and sometimes heavyweights. Cos they operate like that. Tying one hand behind their backs. They always said they did. No change. The investment in fan satisfaction at the ground is however woefully grotesque - i only ask for a pint at half time and this continues to be a game of russian roulette. Everything is going downhill. I still think the covenant's to blame. For everything. The stuff coming out of the BFC Newsbot is often insulting to the average supporter - they could teach the government a thing or two when it comes to hiding the truth and bigging up nothing whatsoever. Especially now at renewal time - it's as though they're goading me into not renewing. Who writes this stuff? But..... no renewal, no club. I'm up for any protest - I hoped Conway Out might have had a set of balls, but no. Respect? I'm happy for anyone to say what they like. That is all the respect anyone needs. Why it needs repeating I do not know. When anyone posts (Nutkins) on whether it's pink or brown, do we have to state that their decision is respected? Why is "respect" a big issue on this particular matter? Me and the lad are renewing (I'm paying). It's part, but not the crucial part by any means, of our lives.
Ay him anall! It's usually the full/wing backs isnt it! Some of the rubbish people used to repeat.. Ben Williams? Too slow.. Cavare? Too lazy, good at bombing forward but not so great at tracking back. Pinillos? Slower than a man on crutches
And if nobody does renew? Do you care if you still have a club? Were you bothered about the status quo this time last year? There are other points in my post. Is it all rubbish? Like everything on here, and just like social media , only the extremes (or the passionate) tend generally to post their views. On this site, the ones who post reasonably and reflectively tend to be the ones who care.
Do Blackpool still have a club? I’ve never been a fan of the new owners. They haven’t improved anything at the club. Last season was an outlier. One that will never be repeated.