Actually the initial reason I fitted them was because I drive to the alps 2 or 3 times a year on ski holidays and its a legal requirement in Austria for example but it comes in really handy when it is cold and snowy here. It also means I have never had to mess about with snow chains to get up the mountains though I always take a set just in case. Mrs Farnham now fits them on her car since a few years ago she couldnt get out of our road in her car so she had to borrow mine which just drove straight out, and she hasnt had a problem since. Id still fit them even if I wasn't driving to go skiing, it gets cold and icy enough down here, and I still come back to yorkshire frequently. These days I drive a 5 series BMW and I daren't contemplate driving that when its snowy with summer tyres on.
I used to drive one of those during my short stint as a private hire driver and I got stuck on a Buckinghamshire hill in about two inches of snow one evening. Mrs PoR had to come and rescue me with our 4 x 4 Toyota RAV and a tow rope. I swapped the RAV for a BMW X3 not long afterwards and used it for the odd snowy trip on the firm’s business. Mine was the only one that could be relied on in bad weather. The Mercs, Jag, 5 and mini bus were hopeless in snow!
Have snow tyres fitted on my BMW all year round. Reason - I get 4,000 miles more than on standard tyres. As for the Beast from the East. A joke. Forecast was 5-10cm and we got about 50mm
I remember one winter at RAF Gutersloh. The C/O closed the camp gates to stop anyone going off, we had blizzards preceded by freezing rain. Never seen owt like it as soon as the rain hit the roads/pavements etc it just froze. It was like an ice rink. Then came the snow, blizzards and wind causing drifts. All the 'scalies' who lived in M.Q's were going to be bedded down in the Gym and transit and fed in the messes for free. If you went outdoors to go to another building it actually hurt to breathe as the air was so cold... a scarf around the face was needed. But the Germans got it sorted out in quick style and we were able to get home by early to mid evening. Had that happened in the UK it woulda been wiped out for days and days.
I went jogging today. In a pair of shorts. Have that. Someone shouted, 'you're brave!' It was just a winter's day in London. A bit colder than normal, so I put an extra top on. That's about it.