Very light dusting in Surrey and Central London or nowt but a threat as we'd say. Wind is a bit fresh though , I blame the beans
Has snowed overnight here, just north of Lincoln. About 2 inches. We have a blizzard right now as I'm typing.
It's missed Rotherham altogether and a light dusting over Pontefract. I think we've got off lightly compared to the South East and Scotland. It's too cold to snow.
Not that any of you will care but it’s a bit chilly down here as well (Costa Blanca). I’m going into town when the cricket finishes and I’ll be in my big coat. May even need socks!
wearing a coat on the Costa Blanca lol You sound like a local lol A few years ago we went to Tenerife in December, and on the weekend you could tell who the locals were because they had their Jeans and coats on. It was 20 degrees C in the shade lol
This is the third year I’ve been here in Jan/Feb and the last two were certainly shorts and sandals weather (for me but not the natives). Different this year though. Lots of cold days and nights and my house has no heating. The last few days gave been bizarre with a Saharan dust cloud on Friday dumping sand everywhere, 20+ and all day sun yesterday and today an arctic wind blowing. Life is never dull here! But at least I’ve escaped your awful weather this year.