You’re right, it’s an opportunity for their hedge fund mates to make a killing somewhere down the line!!
He's also been quoted as saying that even if you have family members that have outdoor space that would allow you to see them outdoors whilst distancing, that you shouldn't do that. Almost like they want to turn parks into petri dishes
It's absolutely not clear. Far from it. Stay Alert? What does that mean? Could you explain? Could you explain how we can be alert to something that we can't see, can't feel, can't touch, we don't know who has had it and there is no way of beating it? Stay Alert eh? Makes sense.
That's it! I don't know why we didn't think of it before. A bit of Bulldog Spirit- that's all we need. We can beat this virus with a stiff upper lip.
Because I have always preferred Tory principles and values, but after all this I suspect the leader isn't up to the job. I could just about accept him being caught out heading into this situation, but I simply can't accept the confused messaging in terms of an exit plan - that's inexcusable.
"I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits." - Winston Churchill
No, you've got it wrong. The opportunities were for us to feed our soldiers and let the 3m or so Bengali's starve slowly. And then later the survivors had the opportunity to escape the oppressive regime that let their countrymen starve.
Think I need a bullet up mi arse at that time of morning. Jay. (So ar lass says. When I'm not with it so to speak. ) Cocked up on a couple already. Can I use old age as an excuse.
How have you got access to the 50 page guidance document before everyone else? I'm assuming you've read it if you think its vague?
Think we all need to take some personal responsibility and behave like we don’t need the government controlling our every movement for us. ...Alert adjective quick to notice any unusual and potentially dangerous or difficult circumstances Then, if you feel someone is in your 2 metres move
Well that explains it then. I've got to be quick to notice anything "unusual and potentially dangerous" about something that is invisible, silent, weightless, undetectable and without cure. Brilliant, thanks for the explanation.