Ok can’t argue with you, as that’s how you see it can I just give some advice to you. Carbon monoxide can’t be seen and kills. If you hear that thing on you wall or ceiling go bleep bleep get out. if you see some f**ktard within 2 metres of you move be alert to the danger and take some responsibility
Yes, we all have 2m bubbles around us and the only way you can catch the virus is if someone sneaks into our 2m bubbles. What about the 4m the virus can transmit when walking behind someone? Or 10m behind runners and cyclists? 20m for faster cyclists and cars with windows down? What about touching a traffic light button, a loaf of bread at the shop, a communal door handle, a petrol pump that someone has just touched? Your weak carbon monoxide analogy doesn’t tie through with any of this. When you develop a covid alarm, you might look less ridiculous. Clearly you’re too busy spreading the govt narrative to be concentrate fully. May I suggest being more alert??
Ok—- you clearly are alert to the COVID19 dangers. Your comment regarding not seeing it doesn’t make sense when you are aware and ALERT to the dangers. Please advise, what you want the government to do then ? What instructions would you give
No you don't. I'm currently feeling that I can't be arsed talking to a smug, Tory Cnt, who can't help himself going on and on about his beloved Prime Minister (who incidentally is currently live in Parliament spinning a web of lies, half truths and showing grave incompetence), despite the fact that said Prime Minister is currently responsible for more deaths in his country than the fcking Blitz. That's how I'm feeling.
Our exchange started when you asked what be alert meant I explained that it meant take some responsibility and stay home where you can. Be aware of people around you to protect yourself and your family. Use common sense man. Now I’m a Cnt, and Prime Minister created the virus For the record I am 57 and have NEVER in my life voted Conservative
Keep making sure the upper echelons of Society call all the shots and keep pillocking those further down the ladder that we’re doing for their benefit. Privatise their beloved NHS by piecemeal and whilst pillocking them into thinking we’re investing in it and that we actually care and share their love of this institutional. I’ll stop there I could go on and on
Not only are you a cnt, but you can't seemingly read either. When I wrote he was responsible for those deaths, I meant through his policies (or lack of), his not giving a **** attitude, him STILL allowing thousands of people into the country via airports, him locking down too late, him shaking hands with infected people, his lack of testing and his initial heard immunity policy. Not that he bit the head off a fcking bat in Wuhan.
Watching Coco the clown on TV now. Totally out of his depth. He lacks the skills to be "front of house" and as such would be better off delegating the media aspect of it to someone else. The trouble is that none of the weasels who stand along side him are up to it either. In a nutshell this lot couldn't run a bath!!!
Ok. Can’t debate with someone so angry they are not clear what they mean. Throw out a statement saying someone is responsible, then add more later to try justifying their unclear message Strange that the PM was criticised for not being clear last night- I wasn’t fully aware until I have read the 60 page document. Going to switch on tv to watch Parliament now to see if anyone else who doesn’t get the answer they want call another person a Cnt. You’re a joke and need to wake up, take some responsibility and go to a supermarket, stand 2m apart and buy some common sense.
So do you reckon it is a good idea to say early last week "we're changing lockdown slightly" which then leads people to assume certain things are going to be lifted, media speculates etc. to then make an announcement on TV on Sunday that pretty much everyone in the country barring yourself has felt was ambiguous, to then release the full document today. How about keeping their mouths closed and doing it all at once rather than feeding bits and pieces like its a trailer for next week's bloody X Factor? To say you've never voted Tory you're very protective of them.
Take some responsibility??? How dare you. I'm a key worker Tory Boy, I've been putting my life at risk removing used needles from residential homes and communal care homes whilst this crisis has been going on. So don't get all high and mighty with me. I've been fcking staying alert during all this thank you very much. And you've missed Parliament live, you clown. You've missed your man crush get fully exposed by various questions that he simply cannot answer because he is unable to do so without a back up of braying bootlickers behind him. When he has to speak in a clear and concise manner then he has nothing. A bit like you really. I know you'll like to have the last word, so I'll let you post a snide, smug comment after this- but I won't respond. Boris has fcked this country. He is RESPONSIBLE (there's that word again) for many, many more deaths than there should have been. Stay Alert. Whatever that means.
I said it wasn’t fully aware so why assume I didn’t find it ambiguous. Today I have read the plan, all 60 pages. How about when government says it will announce something that the press don’t write their own version, confusing people. Then people read it all and follow the rules. I’m not protective of Tory’s just feel I listen, read the facts, not press or media version and make up my own mind. we all have the right to that, but I make up my mind on facts, not based on the Political party who says it. I don’t just follow one vision and blindly hate others.
“I've been fcking staying alert during all this thank you very much.” Your words. But you still don’t know what it means, your words bye