Still a lot of faith is being put on Connell, and everything being great again if/when he returns. This illness though (or whatever the problem is), is worrying. Then he's going to need some time to get back to match fitness again etc. We might not see him back and at his best again, until the new year unfortunately.
Meaning ?. Do you think he'll be back playing again, and fully match fit again, before the end of the year. I hope so!.
I think there's more to it and echo your sentiment. However, I haven't got the foggiest and no doubt will never know so think it's mindless folly to speculate.
I never rated Jovo Bosancic!!. Best 'fantasy' midfield lol... Glavin, Redfearn, Hignett. They would all be fighting to get the ball off each other.
It's the best midfield in the league when Luca is playing mainly because he's so far ahead of every other player in the division. Without him Styles has to be in there because it's just too low energy otherwise.
All. at their best are as good as most in the division. But not consistently. Except maybe Connell and Styles. I feel Styles was affected by all the transfer stuff and during the relegation season the expectations on his shoulders given how poor we were. He hopefully has got shut of that baggage round his neck.
Yeah I meant as a collective. People have been making the blanket statement that we have the "best midfield" in the division. On paper and fully fit, that could be the case but in actual fact with injuries and loss of form it couldn't be further away from the truth.