I did compare him last season as vic scored 1 less goal than cauley having played far more minutes but one got all the stick and was a scapegoat the other defended.
I know nothing at all about betting, but could it just be a snowball effect of loads suddenly lumping on, for whatever reason? There’s still nothing at all on socials. Not even speculation. Which is really unusual.
This, usually something gets leaked as or just before the betting is suspended but perhaps the market has just been temporarily taken it down.
Bookmakers rarely make mistakes, betting was suspended at 17.58, we av a new manager, someone has signed i'd say 1 of 2 Wilder or Devaney for me as the betting shortened to 4/6 on Wilder at 17. 50, unless of course its someone else, we av a new manager, watch this space
Don't the bookies like people lumping on..? isn't that how they make their dosh. Lump on, not true, lose yer money. They stop the betting when they've a chance of losing a quid or two. When the lumpers are right..
In the know types. Can't think who it was think it might have been Sunderland a few years ago where a lass overheard her dad accepting the job and lumped on it with all her mates. If word gets out to one person and they share the news so everyone can make free cash, bookies have to shut betting down.
Yeah it’s just really weird how there’s literally nothing at all being reported anywhere, other than here. I’d have thought media would have been all over it by now, if betting was suspended half an hour ago. Dunno, we’ll see.
Let’s be fair to board here, why would they want confidential information to be made public until any deal is done choose who is new manager. It’s only because we all keep checking this board all time that speculation increases . No news is good news pal....let’s wait and see
Yeah it’s not any kind of criticism of the Club. It’s just very unusual for something as major as betting suspended, but absolutely nothing at all coming out from sports journos. Just doesn’t really seem to add up. Dunno, we’ll see…