Yeah, alongside his dubious behaviour/comments in the pressers, he was ultimately getting bang average performances out of a squad that ought to be capable of more. Not lots more, but more nonetheless. Any faith I had in him as the right man disappeared after the Charlton game. I wish him well. As expected, Conor gets the interim gig. It’s his to lose I would have thought. None of us know too much about his qualities as a coach. But I know what a leader he is. He’s extremely switched on. And regardless of experience, I’m more confident of the team moving forward with him heading up the first team. Intrigued to see how it pans out.
Completely agree with this. Gives Sormaz the chance to hide for at least another year. Neerav should have addressed the DOF role as well as the manager. Clarke is one side of the same coin. The only possible positive we can extrapolate is that Sormaz has learned from his mistakes and the next two windows are good. There is little evidence that that will happen though to be honest. Looks very gloomy all round
We have to have a goal scorer/striker to achieve the playoffs. We've got Humphrys 4 goals in over 30 games Watters 6 goals Cosgrove 1 goal in over 900 minutes of Football And just to help Clarke out the went and pushed the boat out and brought in the prolific Rodrigues who is impersonating a footballer. Get rid of that idiot Sormaz aswell.
Sormaz on the statement. Fills you with no confidence whatsoever. He HAS to go aswell. He shouldn’t be anywhere near the process of picking the next coach or signing players this summer.
I'll not repeat what I put in another thread, but on here I'll say this. I hope to god Connor does enough to warrant getting it full time. I cannot stomach yet another start to next season where a head coach loses the first 3 months trying to work out his team. We have to at some point move with one manager from one season into the start of next.
How did Sormaz cover his arse by sacking Collins? Sormaz joined in February, after the transfer window had closed, how was he arse covering when he'd not had chance to change the squad? Utterly clueless.
This is motivated by season ticket renewal season. The fact that it’s Clarke getting the sack & not Sormaz is diabolical. Tossers.
To turn results around quick, then yeah, the Coach has to go. Removing the DoF right now doesn’t change anything on the pitch instantly. So yeah, it’s been done the right way. I’ve no idea if Mladen will go too, time will tell.