If you don't apologise, on here, to all, then I retract my words of support the other day where I asked @Gally to give you a chance. That is a truly appalling choice of reply and even worse, wording. Start typing Phil .......
Re Higgy.....I've never posted anything about him or replies to his posts because I don't see the point. Given the comments he makes and the intense anger they provoke why don't people just ignore him? Don't feed the beast.
This. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt here and give him the chance to reconsider his position.
Or I don't believe Barnsley Football can police the world. If Matt or anyone else got a problem with ANY tweet then report it on that platform. I'd imagine it would be the same on Facebook. I get offended by very little on social media. I played video games around 2008/12 in open lobbies. Anything else is mild compared to that.
It's impossible. Firstly I tried to ignore him - but the garbage he posts makes it difficult. Then I blocked him, but when he gets the bit between his teeth on a particular subject, it makes threads on that very difficult to follow. Then I decided to take a break from here. But I wanted to discuss BFC with fellow Reds fans and so ended up coming back - like Hotel California. This particular subject has hit home and I wanted to express my opinion. The trouble with that is that I have to read Hemsworth and his bile again. Ah well.
FFS. Remove your head from your arse and look at what the club you profess to love is being dragged into. Tweets filled with homophobic and anti-Semitic bile. Is that the way you want people to view your club, your town and, by extension, YOU! None of this bypasses us, the average fan. We are the face of the club to many people especially other club's fans. We will be tarred with this brush whether we like it or not. I remember in the 80s being proud that I had heard very little racism inside Oakwell. It's rare to hear any at all these days. But Barnsley voted Brexit and suddenly the town is labelled as racist among other things. And while that may not be the truth it's an opinion that's hard to shift, it sticks. Hexicans could do similar damage to the club. Please note - I don't want to turn this into a rights or wrongs of Brexit thread, it was just an easy example.
Ignore what I was saying about the benefit of doubt above. I can't imagine admin will tolerate equivocation regarding antisemitism, sithi.
I've blocked him, but thread after thread becomes monopolised by his cr@p, it's making the forum unreadable. Short of a ban there is a solution, ignore his posts everyone, please just do not feed the troll.
The ignore function has worked quite well. So he no longer exists. What I do see is plenty of comments that initially looked out of place. Then I remembered ah, must be him. Low and behold we have a swaith of posts. So he's clearly kicked another hornet's nest.
The thing is, I honestly don't think he's a troll. He's not intelligent enough for it all to be a carefully crafted piss-take.
"I played video games around 2008/12 in open lobbies. Anything else is mild compared to that." Amazing. It may be mild. It was also probably 20 teenagers aiming slurs at one another. Not right but it'll be classed as banter. What these people are doing is on public forums, accessible to millions of people and, by extension of them being our sponsor, will be seen to be the values of the club and its supporters. If you can't see the issues with that then I truly despair.
I want to see him stay, but more importantly I want to see him learn and grow and acknowledge that. But aye, he's going on ignore for a bit