The pdf is just a screen print that I did so should be safe. I couldn't link the Nitter (whatever that is) page I was looking at.
Brent Morrissey/Hex claiming we've been paid up front and us actually being paid up front are not necessarily the same thing. So far, very few claims have turned out to be true. And while treating everything said as a straight up lie isn't usually very helpful, we're at the stage where so much misinformation is being shared that it's difficult to believe there's a more sensible option.
I wouldn't be surprised if we'd accepted payment in the form of an "upfront" staked Hex magic beans investment which will pay out in 5 years with 73626482929% interest.
I believe this one to be true as it was being suggested in the FanZone on Saturday before any of these tweets and characters came out.
He doesn't like Poland so gets involved with Barnsley Football Club where one of the best players comes from.
I believe I asked this before but didn’t receive an answer. Suggested by who? Khaled, JAQ etc. or fans stood around discussing it over a pint?
I think I answered just saying 'Supporter Chat' and that it was someone I trusted. The fact it was suggested on Saturday by someone in town, and then repeated by the American claiming to be behind the deal, makes me think it's probably true.
Ha. Literally learn something new every day on this. I was basing it on some photo I saw of him in the desert - that definitely wasn't Dudley!
Not that random though is it? Loads of us can't stand this Tory government but we still continue living here. Even if you hate your local MP you don't tend to move out of the area. You'd think he'd want to move back though given we've now left.....
It is random when you consider he has used EU freedom of movement to live there. A tad hypocritical. That was the point I was making.
Come on now, mate. I can understand the main concerns regarding hex, Morrissey etc, but clinging on to every remote thing ever said is becoming embarrassing. Just read back what you've wrote, it's utterly ridiculous.
What does everyone think about this? It's a start, but he needs to come out and clarify on the involvement of those two people. If they're not involved, why did he thank them?
Interesting points here mate and some truth in it. Just remember that sometimes the majority aren't right. History has taught us that the minority voice is sometimes the one that speaks the most sense and the truth. It's not for the majority opinion to force their views on the minority opinion and educate the minority on why the majority opinion is right and they are wrong. That's just strength in numbers and a very dangerous game. (This in no way relates to recent events on the BBS, I'm just responding generally to your post. I feel like everything needs a disclaimer now!)
I don’t know but he seems to be basing his character and management style on The Office , in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole thing was a Ricky Gervais spoof