Is it too simplistic to tell hex that printing costs have gone up and unless we receive 700 million pounds into the clubs coffers overnight, then we can't afford to display their sponsorship. If they don't agree then they can smell their mother
You don’t get to walk away from a bunch of cultists without bearing scars. These are not your normal transaction partner. Anything that could suggest they are not wholly legitimate will ultimately impact on the price of their ‘investment’. This will be messy/costly/nasty. They do not have the usual parameters a business would work within. The club have shaken hands with the devil. (maybe over melodramatic but you get my drift)
I do see that. But I also see some negativity in the opposite direction as well which they wouldn't want for the reasons you point out. Would hope it isn't costly, given we've just drawn a potential £300k revenue opportunity in the League Cup, but can imagine it won't be cheap if the resolution is to cancel. There's almost always a middle ground, that might not entirely work for both parties, but works enough that allows a sensible resolution. I just don't know what that could look like right now.
The problem is that crypto people are weird (or can be)! There's a possibility that these are just teenagers who got lucky beyond their wildest dreams on a shitcoin, are already as rich as they ever need to be, and are completely willing to go full lord of misrule for the memes. You don't really get that in traditional business (apart from Tesla, maybe) - how do you even try and risk assess playing hard ball when that exists as a possibility?
Sorry but i disagree with your post... it might appear I'm taking sides here but in my opinion not only as the board got a duty of care but more importantly WE all have a duty of care its called personal care especially to the vulnerable and those that we are aware of having a disability.....I appreciate Phil doesn't help himself at times but some on here ( not having a go at you )ought to hang their head in shame the amount of personal abuse he and dare I say others recieve if their views don't align with the pack and yes it becomes a pack mentality baying for their ounce of flesh....and I expect many if they knew the situation wouldn't be half as abusive has they are and I also guess theywould feel ashamed of their actions..... I know and can speak first hand because I had a pm some years ago when I had a run in ....some posters on here have had a similar pm from me explaining the situation too before anyone jumps in and as a further go at him put your brains into gear before engaging your fingers on the key board.... Phil is Phil just like all the others....his world is different to the majority and he therefore calls it as it appears to't make him right nor does it make him wrong in his eyes.... So please please think twice before abusing the next Phil that comes along....let's start seeing more apathy and compassion and dare I say patience that we has a collective have done so for years on here....
i reckon thats why they sponsored us. The BBS resembles the same online bickering and tensions as the Hex community - especially when views dont match
'Crypto can be super toxic' my crypto-investing mate said when i told him about the abuse on twitter.
If they sponsored us because of the BBS then the numbers would have grown on here significantly with the Hex 'community' and we would have been subjected to that. I take your point on views not matching and tensions however.
I think their names have been 'revealed' recently, if that's the right term. I forget who it was that did the digging, but thought I saw something on here recently
Yeah, for sure. As I said right back at the beginning, I'd have been nowhere near even liking this kind of stuff on my business account. It's far too volatile, and I've seen these communities get out of hand quickly and destructively. A centralised crypto exchange (like is one thing and probably carries its own risks, but advertising a single token is something else entirely, especially if you're agreeing to do stuff like hashtag it after a win.
You might be right it's maybe me who's stabbing in the you miss so much when you are locked out.of the enjoyed catching up today with whats been taking place...still a lot more to read lol
I presume there would be a cooling off period when you sign a new contract ? On a secondary note just about every person here is is calling this a scam, a ponzi scheme etc So i presume there is a avalanche of people claiming they have been ripped off ,money stolen etc which people will be using as examples. we are 26 pages in and no one has put one of these examples forward. it may be a very high risk or maybe not only the passing of time will show/ prove that. nobody has to invest in anything if they choose not to and there T& C will point out the risks involved to anyone who reads them before making there decision to sign up or not You and the other Admins are legally responsible for every word that is written on here. So its only a matter of time i presume before people involved see these posts and the "company" brings legal action against you personally and also to provide the credentials of certain site members and they will be asked to prove there accusations. crazy insane risk /wonderful opportunity ? illegal ,scam ,ponzi scheme etc as far as i am aware as of now ,proven nope
There's no automatic cooling off period in commercial contracts. The way Hex works is you lock up your investment for years. There's nobody complaining at the minute because the people who will lose out don't lose out until that lockup period ends. And it's always the case with a Ponzi that it's fine at first, while the incoming interest is enough to prop up the early investors. However as the number of investors grows, the amount of new investors rises exponentially to the point where it is unsustainable and eventually collapses. In my opinion it has all the hallmarks of a Ponzi scheme. I'm not defaming anyone by saying that. And anyway it's all supposedly decentralised so who could sue me?
I did mean it as a tongue-in-cheek joke, but the insults and bickering is definitely for real …and getting worse it seems
Just pay them back what the club received. Hex or whoever is their contractual arm will find it difficult to justify legal action where they would find it impossible to quantify their loss in such circumstances. Unless we've been daft enough to contract with them with penalty clauses etc. It's a friggin shirt sponsorship after all. There needs to be a bit of perspective here.