Let’s face it, it’s par for the course with the football club nowadays . We are run like a shoddy car garage with Basil Faulty type CEO steering the ship. We go from one debacle to the next . We lost our sole when Patrick handed over the reigns to these clowns ( I don't mean the crynnes by the way). Luckily I think we have a decent manager that will install some pride and ethics back into the players . The owners and investors are a different kettle of fish
I personally don't think any of it is malicious. no reason to believe they're not genuinely well intended. for me, I just think they're not very good at what they're meant to be doing. just like asbaghi & schopp were decent enough blokes, but just not good enough.
I remember when John Dennis made a serious misstep with a sponsor. He sorted it out quickly and efficiently and didn’t let reputations damage linger. Apparently impossible these days.
I tend to agree. it felt like the end of something we would never get back, when the club left local ownership. we're now an operation, run by the latest set of people who have different reasons to be involved, and is just one of many ventures they have a stake in. reality is we're division 3. so it probably shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that we have division 3 people running the club.
Funniest thing about this sly dig is I’m advocating for not attacking or blaming those behind the scenes, who are still working every day through all this noise, and are a million miles removed from this fiasco that’s going on above them. I thought you’d be supportive of that sentiment and position.
One thing I think the club has underestimated is the general expectation as to how quickly a more definitive response was expected from them. I'm not sure that they appreciate how time-critical this is, and we're already reaching a stage where it's arguably taken too long. The holding response issued on Monday was fine, but to then effectively repeat it two days later in a way that didn't make it clear what was being referred to was a mis-step. We've already played one further game with the tainted sponsor's logo on the shirt since all this broke, and we're two days away from another one being played. There's an myriad of inappropriate content linked to Hex on social media already, including some from those closest to the deal (Kuqi) published as responses to the club's own twitter posts. If it's obvious to supporters, then the expectation is that it should be equally obvious to the club. In response to this, there looks to be a complete lack of urgency from within the club to say anything meaningful, and it's a situation where silence equates to continued endorsement by association. As some have alluded, it's starting to feel like an attempt to let it all blow over. I don't think this is actually the case, but I understand why people are starting to think that. Let's face it, I'm not sure that anyone expects the outcome of this to be anything other than the deal ultimately being cancelled. Given that the situation with Hex is essentially untenable, on a number of levels, there's only a finite amount of time available until people start expecting to see tangible evidence of it being unravelled. The contractual issues are no doubt a barrier to this, but there can be only a limited amount of sympathy for what is essentially a self-inflicted problem. What we need to see, with increasing urgency, is some sign that the issues are being addressed.
it seems to me very obvious that the general staff aren't the architects of this situation and shouldn't be vilified. In fact I'm surprised they have to be defended as i don't believe anyone does think they are to blame. Has anyone blamed them? On the wider topic, i think generally there are assumptions that the club decision makers on this haven't done their due diligence. Maybe they have. Maybe the principles of attracting a community of Hex followers as well as the sponsorship revenue is a choice we made. Maybe the racism and insults were seen by the club as simply social media individuals operating personally not on behalf of Hex. A bit like the BBS where we see insults, pile ons, bullying etc daily. Have the club disassociated itself from the BBS? i am not comfortable with Hex principles but in the context of sponsorship in football is this topic now being overplayed i wonder.
No i dont. And i think its good to raise the topic. My point was that the club may have chosen this knowing the Hex situation. I guess the counter to my ‘overplaying’ the situation is are we underplaying it. What action will people take if the club continue as is?