Made him look like an absolute coward and a completely unelectable liar in the space of 3 minutes. Should be replayed by all TV stations who have the moral decency to do so
Dunno pal? Ask your MP ?? It’s my argument that they shouldn't automatically have the right to come here in the first place.
You said they were a drain on the nhs and have blamed the EU for it. I've explained that it is OUR Tory government that chooses to offer them free healthcare at our cost not the EU but you seem unable to acknowledge that.
Without referring to Labour and/or Jeremy Corbyn how do you feel about the following: 1. Boris dodging Andrew Neil 2. Boris' history of racist comments 3. Boris' history of misogynistic comments
Y ou seem to be missing the point that in my view they shouldnt have the right to come here at all. We should decide who comes into our country not the eu.
Acknowledge what ? Why are you asking me ? I’m not in government. Fact is if we weren't bound by the eu law that makes us admit them in the first place then there’d be nothing to worry about would there ?
UK government allows unemployed foreigners from in EU to live her claiming benefit. UK government allowed unemployed foreigners from outside EU to move her and claim benefits. What makes you think that UK government wouldn't allow unemployed foreigners to move here from within EU? The ones they choose to allow to stay
I think we know why it’s been poor coverage from BBC
there’s nothing to worry about anyway for goodness sake! Unless you believe the goons at the heil and scum of course.
Of all the politicians who dance around answering a question they weren't asked, James Cleverley is the worst. Watched at lunchtime on BBC 2. All he did was fillibust, talking but not answering so the interviewer couldn't go to the original question.
Not surprising - If I didnt have ties that makes it tricky to leave I'd be seriously considering moving to Austria at the moment - If I was single and younger I'd be gone already
I can't remember if it was 2018 or this year, but current levels from the EU are ~48,000 - as opposed to over 600,000 total immigrants. I'm seriously considering how I can persuade the Mrs. I *don't* need to be in the UK at all for work at the moment, and lots of jobs going in Dublin - and it has enough flights to get me to current job.