Good god we are on a football forum bickering about a very foolish person who no longer has access to this forum. The attack on a administrator that does a job that I wouldn't want for a substantial amount of money is unbelievable!
That’d be a top answer if it was what had happened. And whilst a few people keep repeating that, it is a ‘lie’. Because what YN did was post: ‘calling me a Beer drinker is horrible, how would you like it if I called you a ‘Wednesday fan’? (As per your response) Then shortly afterwards posted ‘@TitusMagee is a Wednesday fan’ So ‘if’ there’d only been the first post, those defending him would have a very good point, but considering the second post definitely happened, that kinda makes a mockery of people defending that poster. Of course there’s a small amount of context, but it in no way justifies the result. or do I deserve a let off for burglary if I first tell the householder I’m gonna burgle them because I don’t like what they posted about me beer drinking on Facebook? And the punchline here is that Loko even accepts that said poster is indeed a beer drinker, so there’s no basis at all for any defence.
Too busy thinking about a farm shop pork pie in the fridge that's got my name on it to worry about other stuff
I can only tell it as I recall it happened. If he posted a new thread with that statement then I didn't see it, perhaps it got deleted before I could see that? If that was in the same thread then again both I and I think Loko as well as others have stated he put his point across very badly.
This thread has become pathetic and pointless. What on earth are people arguing over? The sun is shining. Get in your gardens and fire up the barbecue and pour yourself a cold beer.
We're outdoing ourselves. He's started a post on TykesMad about this thread....... Edit: I only read the first 2 or 3 sentences, so don't really know what ramblings are in there.
lol mate! I played a game a few years ago and I had two logins, one I played a senior "Grandad type" figure and the other I played a young kid. They were both my pseudonym's but I used to forget who I was logged in as and transposed the characters frequently! Which was met with much merriment and occasional wtf's and such like! oh, what a laugh we had.....
So the BBS is also to blame for Tykes tv for apologising for a comment that someone thought was racist but was not?
The only bit I do agree with is that he did get trolled. A lot. On the other hand he didn't really help himself.
So in summary- A thread posted by a new member is about how he misses someone who used to post on here despite never actually interacting with him. This escalates into folk disageeing with treatment of said banned poster and whether they are right or wrong on his ban/treatment. Along the way a link appears from a different BFC forum which shows the banned poster creating a thread about this forum he is banned from and the admin and his treatment whilst saying he would never re-join this forum because he was unfairly treated. Its still sunny and warm outside.
This board can have a tendency at times to ‘pick’ on posters. There was one the other day where numerous people make comments referring to a specific poster who at that point hadn’t even commented on the thread. It was very Nudgeresque in that sense.