Big jump again today to 562 deaths

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by Farnham_Red, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. Sco

    Scoff Well-Known Member

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    Was just discussing this, and some people are looking at schools to go back because "it doesn't affect kids much". However, with 10+million school children, at least some of them would unfortunately die. There is also the issue of 500,000+ teachers and support staff, who *are* affected to varying degrees. Unless we look at compulsory masks and other PPE at schools, we could be sacrificing a few thousand kids (0.1% mortality is potentially 10000 children) and up to 5000 teachers (@1% mortality) because infections will spread at lightening speed.
  2. dreamboy3000

    dreamboy3000 Well-Known Member

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    Any parent would be worried sending their child back. Whilst they are low risk compared to other age groups they are still at risk like the rest of us and school from standing room only buses to cramped classes to busy corridors and packed dining areas it's one of the hardest possible places to social distance with measures still in place.

    Ideal world pubs will be able to open in May. Social distancing in them is much easier in warmer weather with beer gardens compared to if all this was happening in winter. When the government start to expect people to get back to some normality, they need to cut a bit of slack with giving people somewhere they can unwind.
  3. pon

    pontyender Well-Known Member

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    It depends how many days deaths are included in it. Yesterday's figure included deaths going back 17 days and today it's 21 days.
  4. kestyke

    kestyke Well-Known Member

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    No kmmnkkm.n no m no in no Jim Jim I hi Jim Jim nmnmnm in no m no knkknmjk hi on on link knmkn hi junk Inn knkk hi Jim I hi j no in ink Inn m no Jim in I ink no ink Inn in k ink no in k ink j hi ink Inn in on mknmkkjnk in no ink Inn knkk in no m no j no in n ink on nkkm no ink ink Inn knkk ink k hi Jim ink ink ink jbkknnk hi n in kknk ink ink Inn j Inn in no ink ink Inn no in k in k ink knmkn hi knkkkkknkk no kknkkkkkkn kkjnkkkkiku knkkkki no in no no no kkkkkk bkkkkkkkkkkkjjukkk Nikki hi knkkkki in knkknku hi on k knkk in nkkunkknkkkk.nnkkunk on no ink Inn Jim in I hi n hi k ink j hi in ink Inn knkk ink j hi Inn in on n ink no no nknk ink j hi ink Inn knkk ink j hi Jim n in j ink nb on Mon knkk ink Inn in on n in k ink Inn knkk in in k in Inn knkk ink Inn knkk ink no in in no ink k ink Inn knkk ink Inn m Inn j Inn knkk ink j ink Inn knkk I junk km in j in k in k ink mum in on no on k ink in hi in mknkk in k in j in kuk in j hi k on Inn j hi Inn jjjjyjj hi ink Inn in I hi k in ink Inn Inn knkk on kiink Inn Jun John hi ink Inn k in hi in in in n ink on In in Inn hi m Inn hi in jnkbnbjj in in high Inn in in in hi hi Inn hi Khun Inn k hi k hi ku Inn Jun ink Inn in in n in in n in j ink in b Inn in in Jun Inn Inn in ink Inn Inn in Inn j Inn Jenny in j ink j in k in hi Khun Inn hi in in hi in in n in in j hi in Inn bnyyj by in bbjb Inn Inn Jun in in hi Khun nan j been nbjbk in k in j hi bbjjmubj hi Khun hi bybjbhb JB hi hi n hi Inn hi j hi Khun hi hi hi jbbbj by jbbj bybjbhb been I in in Jun in h hi jbbbj b on Jun hi JB hi b jbbbj bbbbb by k b in hi jbbbj by khbjbh in b in j been I in k in j hi Khun hi JB jnkbnbjj in knbjjbk in b jbbbj Jun bjbkbn in in kbbbkbbb bbj in in jnkbn in job in in in in in k in bjbkbn in bbjb Inn in hi Khun Inn Jun Jun m Inn bbjb Inn hi jbbbj hi hi bybjbhb bbj hi bjbbbbhjbb ybhbjbkbbjbjjbjbbb hi hi hi j hi bjbb b jbbbj hi hi j hi j hi bbjbbbhhjbjbjbj hi j hi hbkbbkhjjbjkbbmbbjbbbjjbjbhkbmbbnbbjbbjbjbkbj hi bbjb jbbbjj hi j hi b in my bjbbbbhjbbnbjbhjbjbjbbbbhjku hi kbh nan hi bbj in jbk jbbjbbbbnjbk hi kbnbbubjbn BnB in b hi bbjjmubj hi bnjbjbhjbjkbbbnb hhjbbk in in hi in in jbk by hi b my bbjb hi j been in in bbjubhbjb in my my hnkjujjbjvvvvhhk long hi hi v in hi Jing hi BB hi j been jbbbjj hi jhkbnubhj bbjbjb hi Khun nan hi bbj m Jun by hi bjhbmbbbj bbj m hi Khun hi hi jbbbj hi j hi hi hi hi jbbjbhkbjbb by in hi hi jbbbj hi hi hi hi jbbbj hi hi hi jbbbj hi hi n hi BB jbbj Jun j hi j hi Khun hi h hi hi hi hi jhjnj knbjjbk hi n hi Inn hi hjhkbjbbj jbbbjj hi bbj ugh j hi jbbbj by hbbkbnk j hi j hi JB hi j been hi g b hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi j hi b hi jbbbj hi hi b hi hi jbbbj John hi j hi in hi hi hi jbbbj hi hi hi h hi h hi kbh g jbbbj my ugh ugh by hi j hi bjbb jbg in hi hi jbbbj Jun hi bbjb jbbbjj hi bbj j hi n hi Inn hi hi hi hi hi nhhkhhukhjk hi high hi kbh hi hi hi k hhjbbk h my my by in by huh BB.j. By by hgggh BB hi Inn hi hjjbjbj in n hi hjjbjbj ugh by hi j hi hjhjb b jbbbj n b hi jbhbjubjnbjk bbj jbbj hi. Jjjub hi by njb hi kbh bbj jhhjmbh bbj hi hi hi hi n hi kbh hi j been n b jbbbj by jbbj jbbj hi jbbbj bbbbb jbbj hi j hi in hi h hi j hi hi BB Jim hi hi hi n in bbj jbbj no bbj nmu bbj j been in hi j hi j my k in h hi in in ink by jjbjbjjhjbj hi khjbnk hi Khun hi in bbj bbj jbbj n n hi hhjbbk hi buy bbj jbbj Jun hi bbj hi bbj m hi bbj hi hi in huh hi in kbh hi j hi n hi hi hi jhjnj by njb hi hi BB hi jhjnj hi hi hi h hi Khun hi hi hi hi hi hi hi jhjj hi n bbj. Hi hi hi b hi bbj hi j hi Khun hi j hi hi j hi ink hi hi jhjj hi j hi hi hi b hi j hi hi j hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi h hi Inn hi hi j hi bbj hi hi hi j hi k hi hi Kiki hi j hi k hi hi j hi bbj hi hi hi hi hi jbbbj hi hi h hi BB jbbj hi b hi Khun hi hi hi hi jhjnj hi kbh hi hi hi hi j hi Inn hi in hi in hi in hi h hi j hi JB hi j hi hi bjhbmbbbj bbj hi hi hi bbj hi hi hi j hi j hi j bbj j hi Jing bjbb h hi jjnj hi hi h hi bbj hi ink hi hi hi hi j hi jjnj hi hi hi Jun hi hi hi hi hi nh bhjuhhu bbj hi hi hhjmbjj jjnj hi bbj hi j hi n hi hi mtnjh j hi jjbjbjjhjbj hi hi hi
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  5. Don

    Donny-Red Well-Known Member

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    That’s the point, there’s more than the usual reporting delays over the weekend, and we’ve just had a 4 day weekend ;)
  6. Tyk

    Tyketical Masterstroke Well-Known Member

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    I reckon I’ve seen a total of a dozen people not observing the recommendations; of which at least 8 have been in the ‘at risk’ demographic.
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  7. Tyk

    Tyketical Masterstroke Well-Known Member

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    At last, some commonsense. I think we can all get behind this sentiment.
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  8. pon

    pontyender Well-Known Member

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    Last week there was a very frail elderly couple in an enormous queue outside Tesco. Each customer in turn let them go in front of them, until a steward shouted to everyone "does anyone mind if I take them straight in". It beggars belief that there wasn't a family member who could have done it for them. They ought to be ashamed if so.
  9. Bak

    Baka Well-Known Member

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    That was Priti Patel outlining the government's plans to tackle coronavirus. Now back to the studio.
  10. kestyke

    kestyke Well-Known Member

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    Sorry about this, just fitted a new screen protector to phone and it has made it go beserk. Just had to obtain a refund off Amazon after it ordered and paid for "Memoirs of a Stuka Pilot" whilst in my pocket.
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  11. Sta

    Stahlrost Well-Known Member

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    You missed "F'tang olé biscuit barrel" off the end.
  12. Jimmy viz

    Jimmy viz Well-Known Member

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  13. Farnham_Red

    Farnham_Red Administrator Staff Member Admin

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    They might not have any family local. I and my sister both live 200 miles away from my parents - We have managed a couple of online shops for them but its almost impossible to get a slot as even though both are well into their 80's and mum is really unwell they haven't got the letter saying they are vulnerable so we cant get a priority slot for them .Fortunately a great neighbour across the road also has picked up shopping for them when she has done hers and the carers that visit mum every day have picked up small things like milk for them, so Dad hasn't needed to go out but we are really stymied so if it wasnt for that he would have no choice to go out to get basics.

    There will undoubtedly be people with no nearby relatives who are either too proud to ask for help or don't have anyone nearby they can ask. I suspect the former though. Even in Surrey which isn't the most friendly county all our street is in touch with each other checking who needs what, and our Church has more than enough volunteers who will shop for those who cant be out whether or not they actually attend the church. But people need to accept the help and not everyone will.
  14. dreamboy3000

    dreamboy3000 Well-Known Member

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    Going to probably get worse for elderly and those with underlying health conditions as a minister has told the Telegraph they are expected to be told to stay inside for six months.
  15. Sco

    Scoff Well-Known Member

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    Even worse for a lot of them as vulnerable patients with COVID infections were being sent from hospital to care homes without adequate safeguards :(

  16. Dav

    DavidCurriesMullet Well-Known Member

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    28 year old pregnant nurse died, emergency C section took place. Not sure what the health of the baby is.
    Taken from Ch4 news Twitter feed.

    This is the worst thing I've read so far, and has my blood boiling.
  17. dreamboy3000

    dreamboy3000 Well-Known Member

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    The testing rate is a shambles with around half a percent of the UK population so far being tested. We won't be anywhere near 100,000 tests a day by the end of the month. Daily infections will continue for a long time to go as people spread the virus without knowing they have it.

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