This is why I would like our version of events from our official site rather than having to visit WBA’s official site. Also, isn’t it beneficial to a club to get as many hits on its site as possible. Why allow West Brom all the traffic
You're talking like our website will just brush it under the carpet... You honestly think we'll not announce his departure?
No, I don’t think that, I think we should make sure we release it simultaneously or at least as near as possible with WBA’s announcement, and WBA ‘s site doesn’t benefit from all our internet traffic.
Confirmed, search for new head coach already underway, from the buy out (2million) will go towards strengthening the squad
Frustrating, but there you go. You have to wonder how long they can keep finding good managers as we've had 3 in a row now!
Seems a silly thing to say and we seem to say it every time, but we absolutely must get this next appointment right. I fear we are in a very dangerous place as a club if we don't.
Give them a bit of time. The statement says the process has started. I'd rather lose him now than say 2 months into the season when another big club that has sacked their manager comes in with the £2 million release money. We now have time to get someone in place. If needs be Murray can get the preseason started, but hopefully someone will be in by then. I'm really sorry to see him go, but not surprised in the slightest.
We don't know how many of his backroom team he's taken as yet. Would have thought that information would soon be shared.
Tricky balancing act, it looked we got the last one spot on. Whoever we get, if they’re not being watched by other clubs it means they’re not doing so well for us