Has anybody noticed that pre lockdown that any kid who went to the shop on a bike would leave it right outside so anyone going in had an obstacle course to cross... Wasn’t sure whether to post this on here or the annoying stuff thread....
My logic may well be deeply flawed, but if by cycling on the pavement where necessary keeps me safe then so be it. When all the offending motorists keep to the speed limit and give me sufficient space on the road, when I am in front of them in the first place and have the right to be there and not be intimidated and threatened with death by some motorists, after all I do not have eyes in the back of my head then I shall ride on the pavement where I feel it is safer than on the road, whilst giving the right of way to pedestrians them I will. The highway code needs amending. It is so long overdue. The amount of (motorised) traffic has increased enormously - and with today's world being so fast and furious it is no small wonder that there aren't more injuries and fatalities. Not to mention that there are far fewer pedestrians on the pavements anyway - people just love jumping in their cars to go 100 yards to the shop!
So it's OK that I've been hit twice coming out of my gate (I live at a crossroads) by guys on bikes, who ride on the pavement to avoid stopping at the junction. ?
And you've lived to tell the tale.........don't get me wrong -I'm not saying that some eejits are as considerate as I am, but if the same thing had happened with a car and a cyclist (and similar accidents have occurred) then both you and I know the outcome could/would have been altogether different
different attitudes to here dont you think? and this is why it works so well,whereas here a lot dont give a ****
Definitely! The system works well in Germany because everybody knows what it is. It's very simple - if the path is wide enough it will often be marked in 2 lanes, to separate cyclists and pedestrians, with the cyclists next to the road. If the path is narrow or there's no markings, cyclists go on the outside, pedestrians on the inside. Cyclists and pedestrians have priority over cars at junctions and roundabouts (unless otherwise signed) so cars just have to wait. I think over here there's a lot of resistance to change, and a "we've always done it that way" attitude. I won't ride a bike here, in fact I've not got one, because it's simply too dangerous on the road, and riding on the pavement is not allowed. I'm fascinated why people think riding on the pavement can't work here, when it works well in so many other places.
The majority of cyclists don't feel an entitlement to do as we wish, we ride in the road and just want motorists to be respectful and mindful of the fact that they're far more dangerous to cyclists than vice versa.
Cyclist v Motorist just another division in society. The need to have to have a go at someone, we would be lost without it.
I've been hit twice by cyclists on the pavement, once by a young teenager,coming towards me and to be fair he tried to avoid me...unfortunately I tried to move as well and we picked the same side of the causeway, but no harm done. The second instance I was hit from behind by a 40 odd year old lycra fetishist who ran his front wheel into my left calf...mumbled an apology and rode off, I was limping for a week after it, had it been an old person it could have easily broken their leg. The top and bottom of it is that cyclists are transferring the undoubted risks on busy roads from themselves to pedestrians.