This is really sad to read after so many years but I'm sure you'll get a lot of positives from this decision and more time with family. Though I don't know you personally, it's always been a pleasure to read your reasoned and comsidered thoughts on this board and your passion for the club has been infectious. I've always seen your posts as a barometer of sense amidst all the hyperbole... if you say we've played poorly then we genuinely must have had an off day! Also, your memories of past players are a joy to read and I've learned many interesting stories about things before my time. Maybe international businesspeople won't notice you not being there but I'm sure they're outnumbered hundredfold by fellow fans who do care about your absence from Oakwell and will miss your being there. All the best and I hope you continue to pop in to the BBS now and again!
Thank you so much for your kind words, old mate, I really appreciate them. I intend to continue posting my ramblings on the BBS, so you're not getting rid of me that easily!
They must be feeling like complete idiots conway and his mates. We got promoted and conway couldnt give enough interviews and turn up at enough away days. Then we flog pinnock lindsay and moore for around 9 million in total which is very cheap, we do the scatter gun approach and sign loads of cheap players in the hope they will come good, the fans and stendel were worried about no experience but conway reassured us it's the best window ever... the scatter gun didnt work and we are relegated losing 6million in t.v rights and 3000 season ticket holders... massive fail by the new owners, what's next paul? Why arent you addressing the fans these times?
Wouldnt surprise me looking like we were a cheap investment to them now it's not going to plan and conway has gone very quiet wont see him for dust after brentford game.
Your not on your own Kev. We haven't renewed (all 5 of us) I wanted to pick a time before dropping that bombshell on the brilliant and lovely folk around us. Made us welcome when we moved seats, and took time to chin wag, and made me, my dad, and kids welcome. Weve opted for the 4 games each, and possibly do a few away games instead. I've had a season ticket from about 95. I pushed again for us all this year, I guess it's taken its toll on the others. Just me and leah would have made it. But again we just haven't attended much even with tickets this year. It's been great and everyone around us and the ones you mention, made it easier for us to attend when otherwise chalk it a long time ago Best wishes to you and everyone, from us 5. Hopefully we cross paths again in future... Nez
It's amazing where this shower on the Board have brought us to. I think I attended about half of the games on my ST before the lockdown. They are killing the interest for some long-time attenders. Maybe we are solvent, but the soul of the club feels like it's dying off to me.
Completely agree. Soulless is a very apt description for the club and if we were to be promoted next season from league 1, I'm not sure that would go any way to papering over the very obvious cracks.
Biggest part for me is trying to have some kind of connection to the players. We cant. Never here long enough. Sick and tired of the complete new squad every season
Yes, me and my son had one for two years before this one, and went to a lot of the matches the season before that.
Had a ticket since 95.. Wow letter from Queen arrived yet? Late starter, probably had a Leeds season ticket for the previous 94 years? Don't worry, I know you mean 1995 really..
Ah darn that theory... I was about to aportion all blame if we are indeed relegated to you becoming a season ticket holder this season and triggering a bad butterfly effect.. I'll let you off
You have only to listen to mick in his interview from redfearns bar. He knows the problem like all the fans, I have been going 67 years but have not renewed yet. The board do not even show any intent of improving
Very sad to read mate but can't help seeing the truth in it. I know he's gone, but Stendel brought a lot of soul back to the club, he connected with the fans, and they shafted him with their 21 words. It's no way to treat people, and us Barnsley fans are no idiots. We see it clearly.