The term isn't applied to anyone of that age. Just those of that age who happen to lack critical evaluation and self reflection. Dylan's lyrics in 'The Times they are a changin' seem apt.
Oops! Many apologies.. You were responding to Supertyke and I misread the source. Wa s abit miffed at being described as an ok boomer simply for bein aware and pointing out tyhat teh younger generation are lijke su i.e. wvery generation thinks they know better than the previous one. They are quick to label those they disagree with. . Labelling the older generation and the lack of understanding of what it was like in the 50s 60s and 70s (e.g. we all had free everything) Reminds me of the Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens) song 'Father and son' which sums it up perfectly. Not that I envy the younger generation nowadays. Life is far more complex and expectations are higher.
Its all about education snd common sense. There are young idiots, middle aged idiots and old idiots, always will be. Times change and you have to change with it but things are changing so fast its hard to keep up for some. As long as you read, listen and learn and apply a sensible thought process with a bit of decency then it doesnt matter how young or old you are.
Not in my world its not. A boomer (I am one) was deemed to be somebody born directly after WW2 when future dads came back from the war. There wasn't another baby boom until 1960's and they are definitely a different generation. It seems that people will tinker.
Aren't the people having baby's in the 60s the same people who were born in the 40s or have I completely misread your post?
The term boomer related only to those born directly after WW2 i.e 1945, 1946, 1947.. I recall being referred to as a boomer at school whereas those a few years younger weren't. I think what you are referring to is a boomers boomer.
I'm Gen X by one year. I think the whole thing is a generalisation. I don't care one jot what I'm labeled as, as a human being I resist labels, pigeon holes & stereotypes. I think attacking millennials is just as bad. Some of them will be amazing people, others ar%sholes, just like it has always been. The perspective will be different. People who survived the Boer War had a different perspective on the first World War. You frame your world differently. I thought Spot Avery throwing a board rubber at me, getting the cane a few times & getting beat up in a school playground when I was an ill kid just what I had to put up with. I got on with it. I'm still carrying some scars, but I'm a successful human being by normal standards.
Boomerang ! What goes around comes around . Have those of you with chips on your shoulders never listened to older generations and their experiences . Every older generation looks at the next coming through , sighs , shakes their heads . It will happen to you . There will always be changes for each generation some good some bad usually if not always out of our control . One thing you young uns have to look forward to is that (as you become grumpy old people (sic) ) the thoughts that used to be in your head are spoken aloud . I don't mean insults etc but frankness . The ones (of any generation) that spout bile now are the problem . Don't forget , do somebody a good turn and hopefully they will do somebody else a good turn and so on for a happier local world . Here endeath my one and only early Sunday Sermon . Happy New Year everybody .
Is there any difference between characterising Millennials as snow flakes and boomers as closet racists?
Why should anyone try to justify or apologise for the 60s !?!?! Springs to mind ....... what did the Romans ever do for us ? Ridiculous.