I suppose the only option is to vote for the scruffy nutter with the wonky glasses then... oh and don't forget who he will take with him into government. The diminutive McDonnell who is nearly as crackers as Corbyn and who can forget the next numbers and letters host on countdown, Diane "1+1=472" Abbott. Seriously.
Ooh look the bacon sarnie for 2019... anyone who’s watched the current crop of Tories unable to count Coppers or nurses surely can’t attack Abbots maths anymore there’s proper clutching at straws here. Just man up and admit you don’t care about the millions the Tories have put into poverty and the thousands they’ve killed.
Asked recently for examples of her c0ck ups and after much scouring the posters questioning her came up with 3.....in 30 odd years of politics. Johnson does that many a day ! Just another media led witch hunt that they have swallowed.
Im glad you see that labour is the only credible choice, I’d disagree with your choice of describing words above however. Corbyn, McDonnell and Abbott have been in politics for a long time so I’m quite sure they are not nutters, crackers or stupid. I would be really interested to know how you are qualified to judge however.
Ofcorse I care. I am of the opinion, and a lot may argue that it is a conspiracy theory but nevertheless I believe that it doesn't matter whether its Labour or the Conservatives in power. They represent a red mask and a blue mast that occasionally swap places on the actual face of power. The true face being big business and the military industrial complex. No political party nowadays actually "cares" about the average voter and their families. They do what they do to appease their donors, end of story.
so we choose the party who tries hardest to care about the average voter. I think we all know who that is.
I am qualified in the sense that I am a voter with my own thoughts and opinions and at the time of writing, expressing the aforementioned was allowed under our current democratic system.
Enlighten me, because as far as I can see Labour along with the tories couldn't give two flying you-know-whats about us common folk. Johnson is a twit, Corbyn is a Marxist, tough choice...
you are aware your thoughts and opinions may be wrong. As hard as that is to take being called wrong sometimes we are. Just because you are entitled to them doesn’t always make them worth writing down either . Especially when plainly untrue.
And yet your first post was nothing like that. Bizarre how you’ve gone from an attack on 2 trivial issues for one party to having a view that they’re all ‘as bad’. whilst I agree about who actually holds power, you’re wrong about the amount of difference the party in power makes, poverty and homelessness goes up under the Tories and down under labour. If nothing else influenced your view, then that should.
You see, everything you have just written is devoid of fact and full of opinion. Your allowed to write what you just did, as am I. You may not like my opinions, or how and where I put them. But they are mine do with whatever I see fit.
So back your opinion of Diane Abbott up then with a list and evidence of all her mathematical c0ck ups.......I'll wait
If you agree with me on who holds the real power then we should be on the same team. You have just agreed to a certain extent that the red and blue system we currently have is a façade. We should be aiming our ire at those we both agree are pulling the strings from behind the scenes, not the red leader and the blue leader
No, just because most power is held by corporations, doesn’t mean governments have no power. and some party’s defend corporations more than others. so there is a point.
Not really but seeing as it's Friday and there is beer to be drunk I'll show you the one that I made earlier http://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/johnson-v-corbyn-the-itv-debate.285342/page-4#post-2383245