Marxism is a political and economic way of organizing society, where the workers own the means of production. Socialism is a way of organizing a society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the proletariat. Marx proposed that this was the next necessary step in the progress of history. Tell me where Corbyn differs?
He's definitely in favor of a communist state which is rigidly controlled by one party and where there are no freedoms and no elections. He's never supported parliamentary democracy in his life and never will. His policies for transforming society and redistributing some wealth mark him out as a Trotskyite of the worst kind. What a dangerous anti- democratic ****** he is.
Seems he’s ducked out of another interview . Sounds to me like he wants to say what he wants without any facts being checked . He’s been deemed untrustworthy in every position he’s had . I cannot believe that this charlatan is PM of my country.
Socialism stands for an economic system in which production and distribution of goods are planned, organized and controlled by a centralized government with the objective of ensuring that workers get a fair share of the wealth created by their labour. It also says that since large scale industries are run with collective efforts, the returns from them should be utilized for the benefit of society. Marxism, which is also commonly called Communism, is the economic and political doctrine enunciated by Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels. It says that the state represented by the upper classes exploit the workers. The workers sell their labor which translates into surplus value for the capitalist, leaving the workers deprived. This triggers off a conflict between the working class and the ownership class. Marx believed that the working class would overthrow the ruling class by violent class struggle and establish a classless society. Under the Communist system, production and land are owned by the government. The collective output produced by the workers is redistributed among them. Corbyn stands for the top one.
So you like some backgrounds but not others . For me Andrew Neil doesn't suffer fools gladly and as a professional treats them all equally .
Which is very unusual for someone who's stood for election so many times and has such a strong voting record. Sometimes there's posts here that are so solidly in opposition to plain fact it's difficult to know whether they're jokes.
Under Marxism you d have more control , there wouldn't be a leader just workers co operatives. But that is nothing like what Corbyn is proposing! Just for ordinary people to have more of a say.
No worries out Diane’s qualities she’s been banged up in Labours equivalent of where the Tories have stuffed Reese Mogg
A question on Islamophobia and anti Semitism and Robinson uses it as a two pronged attack on Corbyn .
Notice how Johnson avoided the NI question he couldn’t answer by attacking Corbyn , fekin Nick Robinson you fekin sell out :