Rich people who stood to benefit made poorer people think it was all about them, what a state, you don’t think for a minute Farage cares about anyone but himself? Boris has one aim to be PM, if Cameron has backed leave boris would have been a remainer, he always was. Taking back control, limiting immigration, making our own laws etc etc all a bluff to make money or win power, at what will prove to be the average joes expense. They appealed to the lowest common denominator and people lapped it up. Fear, xenophobia and racism. Don’t like those words well tough,
There's definitely more going on psychologically than just money, in my opinion. These people already have more money than they can spend and they aren't going to live forever. It's more about power, prestige and ego, having a camera pointed at you, the adrenaline of being centre-stage and earning more money is just a component that feeds into that heady mix.